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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 9, 2009
Hey everyone.

I got pushed into a pool with my iPhone 3G 16GB. Its dead & wont power on. I tried rice trick & nothing. Any suggestions? I put it on eBay :/

Anyone has any idea how to get a new one cheaper?

you can always buy a refurb model. How long did you let it sit in the rice before you tried powering it back on? the sec you try to power it back if its not dry it will kill it! I would wait at least 2 weeks just to be sure.

Good luck.
I waited 4 days. I think I will just throw it on eBay. The person who pushed me in will pay $100 because I was honest & told them about the refurb deal. I should of lied & said $400 then maybe I would of received $200?

I have decided to sell it on eBay for parts.

you can always buy a refurb model. How long did you let it sit in the rice before you tried powering it back on? the sec you try to power it back if its not dry it will kill it! I would wait at least 2 weeks just to be sure.

Good luck.
I waited 4 days. I think I will just throw it on eBay. The person who pushed me in will pay $100 because I was honest & told them about the refurb deal. I should of lied & said $400 then maybe I would of received $200?

I have decided to sell it on eBay for parts.

to get the $199 deal with iPhone 3gs it is ONLY possible if U send them back the OLD damaged phone... THey will charge Your credit card $199 + tax first.. will send U a new phone.. the box they sent it to You in, You will have to use, to send the OLD phone back - it is all paid by Apple. Now on Your credit card they will put hold for $599 in case U won't send the old phone back in less than 10 calendar days. I JUST WENT THRU THIS. Got a new phone over night. THey charged me $199 + tax.. next I sent the old phone to them in less than 10 days.. and then they pushed back $599 back to my credit card, as soon as they got the old phone. Good Luck.

ps. the $199+tax works only if You also have Apple Protection Plan. If You do not have that then You will have to pay extra $29+tax (besides $199+tax) processing fee. If You buy APP before You call them, then the $29+tax fee will be waved. I found APP on ebay for only $39.
to get the $199 deal with iPhone 3gs it is ONLY possible if U send them back the OLD damaged phone... THey will charge Your credit card $199 + tax first.. will send U a new phone.. box U got a new phone U will have to use to send the OLD one back - it is all paid by Apple. Now on Your credit card they will put hold for $599 in case U won't send the old phone back in less than 10 calendar days. I JUST WENT THRU THIS. Got a new phone. THey charged me $199 + tax.. sent old phone next day.. and they push back $599 back to my credit card as soon as they got the old phone. Good Luck.

QFT. Yep, you won't be able to keep your old phone. But you get a great deal instead of having to fork over bucks for a new one.
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