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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
Hi guys,

For my Art class we must make a major, so ive finally come down to this technique that people seem to love when put onto a big plasma screen, so if anyone here could put input into what they "feel"/"see" from the pictures that would be great.

I will be presenting these along with a few others in a slideshow type of format which will also have sound in the background so if anyone could think of some nice "non word" music that would great as well.









macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Wow, I like that a lot. Because of the way light passes through them, all the drops look the same colour. Maybe you could talk about how people may all look different on the outside, they're all the same "colour" inside. Lame? Yes, but I'm not an arts student. More of a logical thinker, so excuse me for being a bit proud of myself. :p

And as for music, I think there are a few songs by The Polyphonic Spree that may suit your photos. The entire image of the band suits the colour. I mean, they (all 35 to 100 of them) did wear Jesus robes for the first 4-5 years of their existence. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
Wow, I like that a lot. Because of the way light passes through them, all the drops look the same colour. Maybe you could talk about how people may all look different on the outside, they're all the same "colour" inside. Lame? Yes, but I'm not an arts student. More of a logical thinker, so excuse me for being a bit proud of myself. :p

And as for music, I think there are a few songs by The Polyphonic Spree that may suit your photos. The entire image of the band suits the colour. I mean, they (all 35 to 100 of them) did wear Jesus robes for the first 4-5 years of their existence. ;)

I had the same kind of idea of the "world" and "people" kinda concept just need to some how bring it all together :( be interesting to see if anyone else has some ideas as well.

Thanks for the music comment, ill try to find a few songs from them.

PS. Im going to go in for some high res color scans of the film to get better quality, amazingly this technique came by mistake due to the cheap budget im on for producing the major *cant afford a nice macro lenses or digi SLR*


macrumors 68030
Jan 25, 2002
Orange County, CA
I had similar thinking to Abstract, but then I thought maybe it was more about there are many different ways to convey the same concept "behind" the words/images/drops...then I noticed the first photo seems to have a relatively simple image...lack of color/black&white, so it could represent basic attempts at understanding, the Socratic method...then the more complexities in the image could represent a complication of these concepts, the Hegelian dialetic, then the last images where there appears to be additional complexities in the droplets could represent the death of language since the linguistic turn, a deconstruction of art a la Derrida.

If that's too much, I also saw the pictures as an attempt to reclaim your true femininity (which transcends all gender identification labels) from the hegemonic oppression of a mainstream culture that's dominated by white heterosexual capitalist males.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
I had similar thinking to Abstract, but then I thought maybe it was more about there are many different ways to convey the same concept "behind" the words/images/drops...then I noticed the first photo seems to have a relatively simple image...lack of color/black&white, so it could represent basic attempts at understanding, the Socratic method...then the more complexities in the image could represent a complication of these concepts, the Hegelian dialetic, then the last images where there appears to be additional complexities in the droplets could represent the death of language since the linguistic turn, a deconstruction of art a la Derrida.

If that's too much, I also saw the pictures as an attempt to reclaim your true femininity (which transcends all gender identification labels) from the hegemonic oppression of a mainstream culture that's dominated by white heterosexual capitalist males.

wow thats well something... going to take a few hours to grasp the concept, however thats something the "moderators" will just love, they seem to love deep and meaningful meanings like that one.

Thanks heaps, anyone else?


macrumors 68030
Jan 25, 2002
Orange County, CA
...thats something the "moderators" will just love, they seem to love deep and meaningful meanings like that one.

Actually the "true femininity" "reading" of your work was based on my an old roommate I had who was an Art major. She found a majority of her classes very difficult because she was often forced to apply a feminist reading to all her pieces, even if she hadn't intended such a meaning.

She once took a picture of a blank white wall and label it "Banality, USA" of her "moderators" asked for a feminist reading, she tried duck it and stick to her original anti-late capitalism statement, but got frustrated and said it represented the "pointlessness of being an artist in modern feminism", asked to explain how the title applied, she said "every one else here is just taking picture of their hoo-haas". Needless to say, her grade was pretty low in that class.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
....She once took a picture of a blank white wall and label it "Banality, USA" of her "moderators" asked for a feminist reading, she tried duck it and stick to her original anti-late capitalism statement, but got frustrated and said it represented the "pointlessness of being an artist in modern feminism", asked to explain how the title applied, she said "every one else here is just taking picture of their hoo-haas". Needless to say, her grade was pretty low in that class.

I can defiantly understand that from the point of a student, in our art shows we see horrible pathetic pieces of work *no offense to anyone in it :p* but the only reasons they get in are either great backup books "journals" or great meanings with their work.

Shame you cant get in just for what you like about the picture and your meaning, has to be about guessing what the moderators like :mad:


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I had similar thinking to Abstract, but then I thought maybe it was more about there are many different ways to convey the same concept "behind" the words/images/drops...then I noticed the first photo seems to have a relatively simple image...lack of color/black&white, so it could represent basic attempts at understanding, the Socratic method...then the more complexities in the image could represent a complication of these concepts, the Hegelian dialetic, then the last images where there appears to be additional complexities in the droplets could represent the death of language since the linguistic turn, a deconstruction of art a la Derrida.

I tried to translate this into English using Babelfish, but it replied with exactly what you just said.


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2006
I had similar thinking to Abstract, but then I thought maybe it was more about there are many different ways to convey the same concept "behind" the words/images/drops...then I noticed the first photo seems to have a relatively simple image...lack of color/black&white, so it could represent basic attempts at understanding, the Socratic method...then the more complexities in the image could represent a complication of these concepts, the Hegelian dialetic, then the last images where there appears to be additional complexities in the droplets could represent the death of language since the linguistic turn, a deconstruction of art a la Derrida.

If that's too much, I also saw the pictures as an attempt to reclaim your true femininity (which transcends all gender identification labels) from the hegemonic oppression of a mainstream culture that's dominated by white heterosexual capitalist males.

I love this.

I read it as being an individual in a crowd of clones. Just show your true colours. Since most of the droplets look at a quick glance to be similar. If you look again you see the different shapes, colours, and patterns. Each picture could represent a culture within the culture. If you displayed them together. The first picture is emo. :p


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
I love this.

I read it as being an individual in a crowd of clones. Just show your true colours. Since most of the droplets look at a quick glance to be similar. If you look again you see the different shapes, colours, and patterns. Each picture could represent a culture within the culture. If you displayed them together. The first picture is emo. :p

I think thats where its starting to head, it sounds about right and makes a nice statement :p could even reverse it with "even though we all appear different we are still the same underneath" :S

PS. LOL @ Abstract


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
lol.. I'm sorry, but this thread makes me laugh a bit. I mean, aren't artists supposed to have an idea/message first, and then convey it through an image?


macrumors 68020
Jan 9, 2002
This is why I'm no fine/liberal arts major :p I draw the line when my grade is based on other people's opinions. Art is a very subjective thing. If you have to go to school to become a 'true' artist, I would reconsider your career choice.

That being said, the last 3 pictures did seem "refreshing" to me, kinda like a can of fresca.


The 3rd and 4th images, although colorful, kinda remind me of a "follow the leader" theme or something like that. Like all the little minions are controlled by the big thing, and it's their job to impersonate and carry out its orders... Blindly following it's leader. Conformist? Who knows... It's art.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
xfiftyfour: well there is some that do that, but im someone who likes to take pictures spontaneously and not actually think anything about them until the end, im sure im not alone here...

G4scott: it was either art or something like english, so i took the one i like doing, we dont actually learn anything in art amazingly all it is, is do work on your major and essays


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
Art is a very subjective thing. If you have to go to school to become a 'true' artist, I would reconsider your career choice.

If you go to an art school to be told what your vision should be, then yes, you don't belong there. However, most people go to an art school to further their technical abilities, try new mediums, and get experience with new subjects and people. It's still very much subjective. However, even subjective ideas have technical aspects that should not be overlooked (when visualized). A bad painting is a bad painting, no matter what the idea is behind it. A "true" artist must balance vision with execution. Don't be so quick to belittle art schools and art students.


macrumors 68020
Jan 9, 2002
However, most people go to an art school to further their technical abilities, try new mediums, and get experience with new subjects and people.

Yeah, that's kinda what I meant. Technique, new mediums, all that stuff has to be learned somewhere, art schools make that easier for artists. But people with no artistic ability won't really benefit from it...


macrumors 6502
Jan 1, 2007
All of the talk about white capitalist males reminds me that art groups are always liberal. I don't get it....why do the socialists get all the art people? Then again, the country is run by un-artsy people. I'm confused now, because I'm a white capitalist male and if I come here to the artsy community to show off my art, I find out I am racist, sexist and stupid. However, I'm also conservative and a proud capistalist, but when I go to those groups, no one wants to talk art, they come close when they talk about good literature and all, but that's a different style of art. I don't know where I fit in.

However, I do like the water drops. I got bored after the third photo though, because they all look pretty similar and even if there are differences, it's extmremely mono-thematic. I think that is what you are going for and that's cool and all, so good luck with it! Could you explain what you are a part of and what you are supposed to do though? I'm a bit confused.
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