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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 21, 2003
St. Petersburg, FL, Northern KY
(did a search, couldn't find any threads addressing this, sorry if i overlooked anything)

With a CF card I find myself importing 100-200 pix at a time, and they're stored as a single roll. This can sometimes impede good image management.

Is there a way to select some of the pix in a roll and save them as a diff roll, or to divide a roll into two or more rolls, perhaps by date or time if nothing else?

Re: way to divide imported film roll into two in iPhoto?

Originally posted by rtdunham
(did a search, couldn't find any threads addressing this, sorry if i overlooked anything)

With a CF card I find myself importing 100-200 pix at a time, and they're stored as a single roll. This can sometimes impede good image management.

Is there a way to select some of the pix in a roll and save them as a diff roll, or to divide a roll into two or more rolls, perhaps by date or time if nothing else?

In iPhoto2, I don't think there's any way to do that by using Rolls. You could achieve what you want by using Albums, but you'll end up with tons of albums.

iPhoto4 has smart albums that let you pick, for instance, an album that contains all of your pictures taken between 12/1 and 12/15. It also has more robust time management features, but since I don't have it yet, I don't know what that really means.

Really, if you want to split up your rolls, the best thing to do would be to import your pictures with Image Capture and sort them in folders. Then in iPhoto, import each folder separately. Each time you import a folder, the pics inside the folder are all on the same roll. It's tedious, but it does what you want.
I don't think there's any way to split a film roll in iPhoto 2.

However, if you look at the screenshots of iPhoto 4 that are up at you'll see that there is a new item in the File menu - "New Film Roll From Selection". At a guess I'd say this should do what your after (but then I've not used it yet so I can't say for certain!)

a.k.a. Arnel
easiest but tedious way is to import duplicate set of pictures multiple times... then trim each roll.

or, import pictures using image capture. drag a few of them (one "roll" worth) at a time into iphoto.
another reason to import/sort outside iMovie first

>Really, if you want to split up your rolls, the best thing to do would be to import your pictures with Image Capture and sort them in folders. Then in iPhoto, import each folder separately. ..

Another important reason to do this:

iPhoto doesn't really name each image file, it changes the "title"...look at those same image files and they're going to bear the non-descriptive filenames assigned by the camera ("DSC0540" etc)

But the staff at apple's booth at MWSF told me if you name the files OUTSIDE iPhoto first (as in photoshop, or the finder, or whatever) and THEN import to iPhoto, those filenames WILL be retained. I just tried that with one image, and the new filename DID show up as the title in iPhoto AND as the filename in the iPhoto library.

Still, it's lousy we can't do that within the app itself (btw, i have the same prob in Mail, in which the subject lines of emails can't be changed before being saved--they can, but if the mailboxes are rebuilt the subj lines revert to the original; there's a workaround, but it's not simple or fast. I wish apple did a better job of things like this)

Now, can anyone explain the finder-level storage of iPhoto pix? Baffling.

Re: another reason to import/sort outside iMovie first

Originally posted by rtdunham
>Really, if you want to split up your rolls, the best thing to do would be to import your pictures with Image Capture and sort them in folders. Then in iPhoto, import each folder separately. ..

Another important reason to do this:

iMovie doesn't really name each image file, it changes the "title"...look at those same image files and they're going to bear the non-descriptive filenames assigned by the camera ("DSC0540" etc)

But the staff at apple's booth at MWSF told me if you name the files OUTSIDE iMovie first (as in photoshop, or the finder, or whatever) and THEN import to iMovie, those filenames WILL be retained. I just tried that with one image, and the new filename DID show up as the title in iMov AND as the filename in the iPhoto library.

Still, it's lousy we can't do that within the app itself (btw, i have the same prob in Mail, in which the subject lines of emails can't be changed before being saved--they can, but if the mailboxes are rebuilt the subj lines revert to the original; there's a workaround, but it's not simple or fast. I wish apple did a better job of things like this)

Now, can anyone explain the finder-level storage of iMovie pix? Baffling.


don't you mean iPhoto?
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