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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 6, 2005
I have a HomePortal residential gateway that computers can connect wirelessly to, and i also have an airport express. I was wondering if I could use the HomePortal as a main base station to create a WDS (i want to share the internet connection from the homeportal).

Anyone? Thanks!
I tried using WDS with my APE base station and a Linksys and couldn't get it to work.

Might as well try :)
yes i did try, but can't get it to work (i don't know much about networking)

i wanted to ask here to make sure if its possible or not so i don't waste my time trying to figure it out :)
It means you have a second base station that can stream music, print wirelessly or even hardwire a remote computer, all without having to continuously switch networks. :)
Aww, nothing useful for me lol

Anyway, why can't I do this to extend my range?
WDS is one of those "standards" that everyone has a slightly different version of, so that you are stuck with certain brands, not able to mix manufacturers on the same network. It sucks but it's just one of those things. :(
Sorry guys, another question lol

My HomePortal 1000 hg connects to the internet, but I also have this SpeedStream modem i got for free. Could I use both in the same house?

I tried connecting both to the phone line but it only works when they are on one at a time. Maybe there is a way where both can be used at the same time in the same house?

Sorry for being a noob :eek:
I have been able to set up a WDS with a Linksys WRT54G, a Linksys WAP54G, and an Airport Express.

However, at best the only wireless security that I can have enabled on this WDS setup is WEP, and the keys must be entered manually since Apple's WEP keygen algorithm is incompatible with the one used by Linksys. Passphrases will not work.
ElectricSheep said:
I have been able to set up a WDS with a Linksys WRT54G, a Linksys WAP54G, and an Airport Express.

However, at best the only wireless security that I can have enabled on this WDS setup is WEP, and the keys must be entered manually since Apple's WEP keygen algorithm is incompatible with the one used by Linksys. Passphrases will not work.

If you can or wouldn't mind, could you tell me the steps you did to set it up? It might be similar or at least give me a starting point to figure out how to do it myself. At this point i have no clue how to set up a WDS. :(
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