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Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
how come ms has xp home and xp pro?

why can't they have one client side os like apple does?

it would look stupid if we had an os x and an os x pro:p
M$ does it to squeeze even more money out of people.

Apple is not evil like m$ is, so they just release the one OS, and give you all the power/choices with it.
Re: Well, we have...

Originally posted by Catfish_Man
...OSX and OSX server. Not quite the same, but...

Still tons cheaper then m$ windblows server versions... Look up the prices of windblows server versions... You can purchase an Xserve, with the unlimited client version, for what they charge for win2k advanced server. The 25 client package of win2k advance runs about $3500 all by itself. I'd hate to see the cost of the 'unlimited' client version, if they even offer one.

The reason I say the advanced server version, is because it installes the Macintosh services right off the bat, and has other features that the regular one doesn't have.

Even the standard win2k server version runs $1600 for a 25 client license version.

OS X Server runs $500 for a 10 client license or $1000 for the unlimited. Both are far cheaper then any that m$ has to offer.

m$ 2000 server 5 client runs $850, with a 10 client being $1050. You don't even get anything under a 25 count for the advanced version for an option (at least through retail channels).
Aw, c'mon Mr. Hat - what Mac user can really say that they care what Microsoft do with their operating systems?

It's still an interesting concept to build an OS on a maximum of 640Kb of base memory, and to then have to sort out the rest with EMS and XMS, etc... (and you can thank their founder for that - wasn't it he who said that famous line - "...640K should be more than enough for any program..."?)


Why don't we just stick to what's pertinent to Mac users? MS can bite me, in any case. After all - who can possibly compete with THEIR way of thinking? ;)
Lets not forget one thing here!

XP Pro allows you to use MP with it, the OS doesnt recognize the second CPU!

That is something that I would think is important and just YET one more way that M$ gets to squeeze you dry!
Microsoft, is money hungry, like any company, but businss the way they prcatice it is uncompetitive and wrong. So sayeth the U.S. Government, but does anyone notice M$ stopping thier ainticompetitive actions?
M$ stands up to the courts.

well, M$ threatened the courts that they would have to take M$ off of the shelves if they were forced to separate the browser form the OS.

Then after hearing and seeong for themselves the hardball M$ plays, they were forced to concede and let M$ get away with it.

For a while there I thought that ll computers were going to come with the only os available OSX!

But NOooo! M$ kicked the courts A$$ into submission.

Well, thats the way it looked to me!
We shouldn't discourage this "anticompetitive behavior", we should encourage M$ to exploit their customers even more...

That's why people switch!
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