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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 9, 2011
Us professionals have made apple who they are today. Our loyal base has always supported Apple. Now that the market-share has shifted to consumers, they just drop us. They don't even upgrade the graphics card, and throw in Thunderbolt. I understand it might not make as much profit as a new iSomething, but come on. The made Billions. They apparently willingly accept the fact that real professionals now have to build their own systems using Ivy Bridge processors, and decent graphics cards. This is beyond me. Shame on you Apple for forgetting who made you.
Oh stop crying, if the new retina macbook pro doesn't scream built for professionals I don't know what does.
Oh stop crying, if the new retina macbook pro doesn't scream built for professionals I don't know what does.

I dunno, I like the idea of having more than 768GB of storage in my machine. Having 2 drives in my 17" was nice. This is just a glorified MacBook Air.
Oh stop crying, if the new retina macbook pro doesn't scream built for professionals I don't know what does.

You are obviously not a pro. You probably don't even comprehend why people actually need a customizable MacPro.
Oh stop crying, if the new retina macbook pro doesn't scream built for professionals I don't know what does.

I suggest that if you don't know the hardware and performance need of professionals, you ought to consider the embarassment of yourself ;).
I been a Apple user since my IIci. But we did not make them big. iOS devices did.
The only embarrassing thing is the crying on display here by grown men.

Well, there's an understandable amount of resentment. What apple did today was the equivalent of executing the individuals who built that bridge that the company has been using for the past 10-ish years.

While the Mac Pro is a nieche product, the users of this product are the ones who have driven a large part, perhaps even a majority, of the development work.

Naturally, a few of those are going to get a Macbook Pro, or a Hackintosh. As many seem to be getting ready to make the leap to a PC though.

Me, i thought it maybe would be time to get a Mac Pro for image editing. Evidently, Apple does not want me to purchase a powerful PC from them. I will be purchasing a Windows-based system instead :).
Surely it was introducing a coherent product line and having an advertising campaign with sufficient clout that made them successful.

They made products people would buy.
I been a Apple user since my IIci. But we did not make them big. iOS devices did.

True. But is it wasn't for us, they would have never made it to the point where they could come out with an iOs device. They would simply not exist beyond end 90's anymore. My point is that the professional apple users who have been there through thick and thin for many years, is just disregarded by this non-update of the Mac Pro.
Let me tell you something, I was all ready to buy until now.

I am willing to bet money there will be a massive migration of serious users of these machines switching to Windows workstations.

Here is the current situation.

Apple: Uh, you don't need SATA III, USB 3, more than mid spec bump. We'll still rape you on ram. And you don't mind using a three and a half year old Video card that can barely manage World Of Warcraft on ultra settings right? let alone run any newer professional software. Oh yeah, that'll be 3000 dollars+ options PLEASE

PC Vendors: Yeah, uh. You can have whatever the hell you want and not be limited to 3 year old GPUs? And we'll charge you a fair price.
The pro users didn't make Apple big, they did something much important. They kept putting money in the coffers when Apple was about to go under in the late 90's and early 00's.

The iTurds have made Apple big with their sheep attitude. These same people will do a runner if Apple release a duff product or two.
There's still the mini and iMac left to get refreshed this year - I think the joke speed bump is a stop gap until the desktop refresh where all machines will get usb3 etc... Or, er, 'DISCONTNUED' will replace 'NEW'

Got to say, what a joke! At least my 5,1 will make a excellent windows machine!
The new MacBook Pro is a balckhole that implodes in its own specifications. A 1800p screen is dandy, but a paultry GTX650M will render frames at that resolution about as well as the meager 1GB of VRAM will store them. Play 1080p videos? Cool. Look at 1800p photos?Awesome! Render anything natively on that display?:confused :(
The new MacBook Pro is a balckhole that implodes in its own specifications. A 1800p screen is dandy, but a paultry GTX650M will render frames at that resolution about as well as the meager 1GB of VRAM will store them. Play 1080p videos? Cool. Look at 1800p photos?Awesome! Render anything natively on that display?:confused :(

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