Original poster
After browsing around with Safari all day and working with Photoshop, Office and Finder a realization struck me...
We need more Tabs. Tab-View in Safari is a great feature to reduce window clutter. Now why can't this be implemented in Finder? So if I navigate between 5 different locations why do I need to have 5 different Finder Windows open instead of having Finder use tabs for the 5 locations? Or if I work with several pictures in Photoshop, why not display them with tabs instead of having 5 individual windows which I have to move back and forth? Or if I work with a couple of letters in Word, why can't word display them as Tabs instead of individual windows. Tabs are great, I want more tabs. Of course it should be an optional feature, but a feature like that I would like a lot!
We need more Tabs. Tab-View in Safari is a great feature to reduce window clutter. Now why can't this be implemented in Finder? So if I navigate between 5 different locations why do I need to have 5 different Finder Windows open instead of having Finder use tabs for the 5 locations? Or if I work with several pictures in Photoshop, why not display them with tabs instead of having 5 individual windows which I have to move back and forth? Or if I work with a couple of letters in Word, why can't word display them as Tabs instead of individual windows. Tabs are great, I want more tabs. Of course it should be an optional feature, but a feature like that I would like a lot!