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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2010
Anyone on here that plays "We Rule" know if its possible to start the game all over from scratch?

Anyone on here that plays "We Rule" know if its possible to start the game all over from scratch?


I have downloaded the game yesterday but havent played yet.

Probably this isn't the best option, but, have you tried to re-install the game again?

I think uninstalling it should remove the local data, if it uses an online account I think you should create a new account as well.
Yeah it connects online and it uses an online account with Plus+ so I guess I need to make a new account.

FYI, if you plan to start playing be smart when placing stuff so you have enough room.

Thanks for the reply that's what I will have to do.
Once you get to a certain level ( I think its level 4 or 5) you're able to move your stuff. Just press the "redesign" button.
Yeah, I use the redesign function too. But I don't have any friend who play this game... so the space is limited.
I was excited about this app at first, but then I started thinking: what's the point?

You build and place, and that's about it. It doesn't even make a difference what you put down, or where you put things down. Buildings have no influence over their surroundings other than giving you an animated wizard. You can't invade your neighbor.

I mean literally you just plant stuff and collect taxes and wait to put another building down. Such a promising title that turned out so MEH..... :(
I was excited about this app at first, but then I started thinking: what's the point?

You build and place, and that's about it. It doesn't even make a difference what you put down, or where you put things down. Buildings have no influence over their surroundings other than giving you an animated wizard. You can't invade your neighbor.

I mean literally you just plant stuff and collect taxes and wait to put another building down. Such a promising title that turned out so MEH..... :(

Yeah, I'm not exactly sure the point of this game either... granted I'm still playing it but... I'm not sure why...

Agreed. I just started playing but all there is to do is log in every few hours and plant/build. Lame!

Agreed. I'm still playing too, but I'm not sure why either.

This is very similar to Farmville apparently, so I guess many people do like this type of game...
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