I'm the WeatherAlert dev. Been having some issues on the server side the last week or so. The amount of clients it's checking for has become too cumbersome for the original method of checking, so I've been focusing my time on the server-side optimization piece. It's been in 24/7 test since Friday and seems to be working way more accurately and efficiently. It should hopefully be rolled out into production the next day or so. This inefficiency is the major issue with something like a tornado. Due to the way the code on the server was running, each person's area would only get checked every 30 or so minutes as the database grew larger and larger. That's unacceptable for a tornado! The new code can check and push every single person's alerts in real time. Another issue was that the app doesn't allow for things such as "Special Weather Statement" or "Hazardous Weather Outlook" or "Severe Weather Warning." It only checks for the type-specific alerts (i.e "Tornado" or "Thunderstorm"). These checks are added in the new server-side part already and will be reflected on the client in an app update. If any users do not get alerts, please send an email and I'll see if the problem is on the end of the server actually not pushing (has happened) or if it's the data source not getting the information accurately. I've helped numerous people via email with issues.
I'm just a small, independent developer with zero weather background that put this together, so I don't have the expertise and experience like The Weather Channel or Weather Bug, so I'm learning based on feedback from the users/customers. I've already migrated to a bigger, faster server, so that part shouldn't be a problem any more. And once this new code rolls out it should be as accurate and on-time as every other app. So any issues with the app, please contact me and I'll do my best to solve the problem.
Weather Channel offers mobile notifications, but not through their app. They charge $6.99/month for it.