Downloaded the them, ssh'ed it into library/themes and got it to work, but can't get it to work with other themesCould uses some help
The widget works, I tried putting another wallper html file in and it didn't work. I may be doing it wrong need some better directions on how to get the wallpaper to work. Thanks
Get the widget from wbapp. It's in Cydia. My widget works with every wallpaper.
thanks for the mentioning of WBApp. I<3You.
nice app but i won't let me save weather widget settings?? I hit done and it does nothing
Hit 'Save' first.
can't hit save cause keyboard won't go away cause done doesn't work
See at the top right, where it says, "Hide Kybd/Selector"?
Click on that.
No problem. And no need to feel dumb. It took me a little while to figure it out too.
IMHO, it's not very inuitive. It is awesome though, if you know how to use it!![]()
No problem. And no need to feel dumb. It took me a little while to figure it out too.
IMHO, it's not very inuitive. It is awesome though, if you know how to use it!![]()
Yup, not just your opinion, mine too- I was already in the process of fixing that - new v0.84 uses "Done" key and new toolbar above selection wheel.