Is it possible to host a web server on an AE, or otherwise implement a method that lets me access files on the AE's connected hard drive from any web browser?
Is it possible to host a web server on an AE, or otherwise implement a method that lets me access files on the AE's connected hard drive from any web browser?
It has been a while since I looked at the AEBS interface, but I don't recall seeing any capability for running a web server on the AEBS itself. What I suspect you would have to do is set up Apache on one of your Macs, where you can see the shared Volume(s) on the AEBS attached drive, and host the web server from the Mac. It is easy enough to set up a Directory on the Apache server that points to the AEBS share. For example, you could have go straight to the AEBS Volume, or set up another URL, like for the same purpose, and reserve the "www" record for an index page that doesn't hint of the AEBS access, just in case someone stumbled onto the www URL.Is it possible to host a web server on an AE, or otherwise implement a method that lets me access files on the AE's connected hard drive from any web browser?
Do you want to run a .local webserver only accessible to those in your office or full web server? Both are possible, but you need a little more than just a router.Is it possible to host a web server on an AE, or otherwise implement a method that lets me access files on the AE's connected hard drive from any web browser?
Change the port to something other than 80. I use MAMP on Macs and Win10 boxes for local web application development. Then you will access your local server at something like: http://pkbeam.local:8888/ or with a little extra configuration on my LAN.
I already have Xampp set up to host from my PC, but I find it sub-optimal to have to turn it on when I need it and close Skype - so I was wondering if I could do the same from my AE.
OS X comes with apache already installed. You just need to edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf to your own configuration. httpd.conf used to come read-only. I just checked mine, and it is writeable, but that may be because I changed it. If its permissions are set to -r--r--r--, just do this before you use the text editor of your choice to edit it, :just on my LAN.
I already have Xampp set up to host from my PC, but I find it sub-optimal to have to turn it on when I need it and close Skype - so I was wondering if I could do the same from my AE.
sudo chmod 644 /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
sudo apachectl stop|start|restart