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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 5, 2006
i have just brought my son a mac apple laptop and he has downloaded msn on it and webcam dont work on it!

can anyone please help me on this proplem?:)
Is it one with the camera built in? I'm a Mac newbie but I'm PRETTY sure the built in cameras dont work with any program but ichat (I THINK)
MSN doesn't support webcams :(

Your son may be able to use Skype instead, if he must use MSN then I believe that there is a third-party MSN client called Mercury that supports webcams.
I use Mercury with my iSight webcam instead of MSN Messenger. The newest version is almost ready.
Is that right that cameras built into imac etc will only work with certain mac programs?
viccles said:
Is that right that cameras built into imac etc will only work with certain mac programs?

I'm not really sure what you're asking; the software does of course need to be written to use a webcam, for example you wouldn't be able to use a camera in a spreadsheet.
Nermal said:
I'm not really sure what you're asking; the software does of course need to be written to use a webcam, for example you wouldn't be able to use a camera in a spreadsheet.

I heard from my friend (who has a very old imac) that the cameras built into the imacs, laptops etc can't be used in MSN or anything except ichat (i think thats what she said) Is she wrong?
She is wrong, mine (built into an Intel iMac) works perfectly in Skype, as well as other apps.
Nermal said:
She is wrong, mine (built into an Intel iMac) works perfectly in Skype, as well as other apps.

Thank you for clearing that up for future reference - If I ever decide to buy an imac or laptop with one of those cameras built in. Thought it sounded a bit weird you could only use the camera with certain chat apps and not others.
WARNING, Skype for Mac with video is merely a preview, it may not work properly and may ruin your system. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before it will be a beta, btu until then iChat AV is the only stable OS X app that supprots video.
yahoo messenger also supports the iSight camera. its just MSN doesnt. another 3rd party app is called aMsn. it isnt that good, but it supports webcams.
Does the new Skype support cross communication between Windows and OS X using video? I tried with a friend earlier and neither of us could see anything. Anu thoughts>?
LastLine said:
Does the new Skype support cross communication between Windows and OS X using video? I tried with a friend earlier and neither of us could see anything. Anu thoughts>?

This is probably too obvious, so please don't get mad at me for asking, but do you have the right version of Skype? There is a special pre-release that does video on Mac -- the release version does not. You must have this version.
Oh yeah, had the right version and all - just couldn't see each other when the video was running (could see my own preview - but not the other person)
Concerning the OP:::::::::

aMSN is a MSN client that supports webcams. It's free to download...
I agree with the previous poster. aMSN works great. I can even use my digital video camera (the kind you make home movies with) as a webcam.
Use aMSN for a video confrence on MSN if you want. iChat works great with the camera, iMovie works great w/ the Camera.. and a few other apps work great with the camera. MSN Messenger is a Microsoft program and they arent always as crazy about making new versions of those types of programs for the Mac platform.
look for versions of your favorite programs/apps there :)
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