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macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 7, 2002
sorry if this has been covered, as searches for similar topics proved futile...

are there any websites that allow you to basically set up a gallery of photos to allow people to buy prints of, in which you can set a price and get some money off it?

basically, i'm an amateur photographer (who isn't i guess) and thought that there might be a couple images that i've taken that people would be interested in buying. i don't plan on making a full business out of it, but wondered if there were sites that provided resources to do this, where they would actually do the printing (i'd upload large image files, they'd be displayed at a certain lower resolution, then joe public could buy a print from the site, and some of it goes to me)...? i am pretty sure moxiemike did something like this, but i have a feeling he provided the prints himself... not sure.

any tips would be helpful. even if they are to point to an older thread or to tell me it's pointless to even try. hah


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
jelloshotsrule said:
sorry if this has been covered, as searches for similar topics proved futile...

are there any websites that allow you to basically set up a gallery of photos to allow people to buy prints of, in which you can set a price and get some money off it?

basically, i'm an amateur photographer (who isn't i guess) and thought that there might be a couple images that i've taken that people would be interested in buying. i don't plan on making a full business out of it, but wondered if there were sites that provided resources to do this, where they would actually do the printing (i'd upload large image files, they'd be displayed at a certain lower resolution, then joe public could buy a print from the site, and some of it goes to me)...? i am pretty sure moxiemike did something like this, but i have a feeling he provided the prints himself... not sure.

any tips would be helpful. even if they are to point to an older thread or to tell me it's pointless to even try. hah


macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 7, 2002
$99/yr eh? hard to say whether i'd make up that much in sales even. well, actually, it'd be unlikely. i was sort of hoping to test the waters for free. can't i have my cake and eat it too, dammit???? hah.


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
jelloshotsrule said:
$99/yr eh? hard to say whether i'd make up that much in sales even. well, actually, it'd be unlikely. i was sort of hoping to test the waters for free. can't i have my cake and eat it too, dammit???? hah.

Doesn't take much to make it up, but I hear ya.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 7, 2002
iGary said:
Doesn't take much to make it up, but I hear ya.

maybe not for a pro, like yourself, but for a dabbler (i don't know how to do TM on windows machines...) like me, it's a question mark.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 7, 2002
peterparker said:

looks like that's 149/yr, eh? i'll have to see what the two of them offer differently, but at this point i'm looking to test the waters so i'll probably lean towards the cheapest option, if i choose to take the plunge.


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
Printroom is $99 a year but it's a nice place and there is a wonderful trick to uploading so that you have nearly unlimited space....if you get is just shoot a PM, a very helpful employee there told me once :)

Although $99/yr is a bit of a pain (mainly because I've only made back around $45-50) it still seems in retrospect like a worthwhile spend to me because my images are out there and the longer they are there the more they can be seen. I had a few of my parents friends always request shots and now I can just direct them to a url and they order away without me having to talk to them about which and what anymore, I love that.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 7, 2002
if you don't mind my asking, and since it'll certainly come up if i eventually do sign up for such a site... how much do you generally charge? if an 8x10 print from your own photo usually costs around 1.99 (snapfish, etc), what would you charge to buy an 8x10? do you use standard prices or do you adjust based on how good you think the picture is?

thanks for the heads up about the workaround, i will most likely be in touch once i get my pictures organized enough to sign up


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
jelloshotsrule said:
if you don't mind my asking, and since it'll certainly come up if i eventually do sign up for such a site... how much do you generally charge? if an 8x10 print from your own photo usually costs around 1.99 (snapfish, etc), what would you charge to buy an 8x10? do you use standard prices or do you adjust based on how good you think the picture is?

I have consistent pricing based on what type of images they are, not what I personally think is good or not (as a lot of that is personal taste anyway). For abstract or floral or just completely random stuff I have one price for the various sizes, for a wedding or event someone has asked me to shoot I have another price (which changes depending on if I'm paid for the event or just the prints), and for family I basically do an upcharge of $0.20 above the print costs just to recoup a bit of my time (family is the most forsaking group EVER!).

As an example, our family got together for birthdays and I took pictures of the newborns in the family nearly all night (I love little kids) and put those images up charging $0.70 for a 4x6 which makes me $0.20 a pop, in a wedding I charged $1.95 for a 4x6 making $1.25 each and then I offered the bride/groom print-only prices because I kind of knew them ;) (ie give me a list and I'll print them and only charge print fees, no profit).

Edit: Take a look around at Walmart and your grocer to see what prices they charge for "from digital" 4x6 prints. The hardest thing I've found about selling images online like this (especially to family) is having them understand the difference between the store and here....everyone just says "can't you just give me the images in email or on cd and I can go print them???" :mad:


macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2005
jelloshotsrule said:
if you don't mind my asking, and since it'll certainly come up if i eventually do sign up for such a site... how much do you generally charge? if an 8x10 print from your own photo usually costs around 1.99 (snapfish, etc), what would you charge to buy an 8x10? do you use standard prices or do you adjust based on how good you think the picture is?

thanks for the heads up about the workaround, i will most likely be in touch once i get my pictures organized enough to sign up

Here's a link to the "pricing" page on my website:

Anyway, I don't just sell shots I take on free time, I actually take pictures of others (so I have to recuperate the costs of time, gas, etc.)

4 x 6 - 2 bucks.
5 x 7 - 5 bucks.
8 x 10 - 10 bucks.
wallets - 5 bucks for 4

My prices are vastly cheaper than pretty much everyone I do pretty well. I can make 200-300 bucks of a horse show (like the one I did this past weekend), although, for the most part, I'll make 50-60 bucks off of individual clients (after paying for printing fees).
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