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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 23, 2009
Mine is week 5. Just got it yesterday and it has the yellow issue. (the top right and bottom right and left) :(

Anyone who got the week 4 or 5 27inch still has the same or different issue?
I have week 05 27 inch I7 and no evidence of yellow tinge and also a quiet 1TB Seagate Hard Drive. Very happy (so far) after going through replacing a dual core 27 in with a noisy HD. No yellow on that screen as well.
Are you serious?

Week 5 still has yellow problems?

I guess Apple still does not have this under control.

My guess is that they are just inspecting panels better than before and that they have not really fixed anything.

There inspection process is obviously less than perfect because yellow ones are still getting through.
Remember me "Marco12345"

I will confirm Apple is presently working on a solution and "it" will be available on the 15 of February!
Week 5 still has yellow problems?

I guess Apple still does not have this under control.

My guess is that they are just inspecting panels better than before and that they have not really fixed anything.

There inspection process is obviously less than perfect because yellow ones are still getting through.

Yes, JimKirk

I'm disappointed Since this is my second replacement I had been waiting for 3 weeks before receiving it.
Received my 6th replacement i7 yesterday (week 5). Yes this one also has the yellow tinge. However, it is so subtle that I don't even notice it unless I'm really looking for it. Everything else is absolutely perfect other than a very mild yellowish/ pinkish tinge to the bottom half of the display. If I had to choose between returning it or keeping it the way it is I would choose to keep it. I called Apple and they will contact me when the panel replacement is available. Honestly, I don't even care at this point. I'm just happy to have my iMac back :)

On the other hand, if they can make my screen look even better then why not give it a shot?
Received my 6th replacement i7 yesterday (week 5). Yes this one also has the yellow tinge. However, it is so subtle that I don't even notice it unless I'm really looking for it. Everything else is absolutely perfect other than a very mild yellowish/ pinkish tinge to the bottom half of the display. If I had to choose between returning it or keeping it the way it is I would choose to keep it. I called Apple and they will contact me when the panel replacement is available. Honestly, I don't even care at this point. I'm just happy to have my iMac back :)

On the other hand, if they can make my screen look even better then why not give it a shot?

You called Apple and told them about the yellow issue after you got your 6th replacement? Did they tell you the panel replacement will be available in the future? for real?

If yes, I would like to wait and ask Apple to call me when the fix is available. Can i do that?
Only a few hours in with my new week 5 but so far she's perfect. First machine out for me too... maybe it was the short shipping from Shanghai to Singapore (well shorter) :) Sorry to rub salt in a wound, but wanted to give hope to those out there who feel like there's none as most tend to disappear and not post about problems once they've gone away...

Ne is week 51, not that I think it really makes a difference. Apple clearly have a quality control problem. It too me an hour to purhase this thing due to their mobile till running out of battery whilst collecting payment which meant I was charged twice!

My first entry to mac after being with pc for as long as I can remember. Not a good start :( my iMac is the 21.5 inch model. Will be calling apple today, I'm in the uk, not sure if I'm going to get any different service to you guys over the pond but will let y'all know.

I will confirm Apple is presently working on a solution and "it" will be available on the 15 of February!


Only a few hours in with my new week 5 but so far she's perfect. First machine out for me too... maybe it was the short shipping from Shanghai to Singapore (well shorter) :) Sorry to rub salt in a wound, but wanted to give hope to those out there who feel like there's none as most tend to disappear and not post about problems once they've gone away...


If that's true, i prefere to make a trip to Shangai and pick it up myself :D:p
congrats btw :)
I just received iMac number 6 this afternoon. It is a week 05 and it has the yellow tinge (as have all other21.5" iMacs I have had). I think I give up. My partner says I should just keep getting replacements until Apple finally sends one with no problems.
I just received iMac number 6 this afternoon. It is a week 05 and it has the yellow tinge (as have all other21.5" iMacs I have had). I think I give up. My partner says I should just keep getting replacements until Apple finally sends one with no problems.

I think you've got the proof that's pointless to keep geting replacements, unfortunately...
Week 5 still has yellow problems?

I guess Apple still does not have this under control.

My guess is that they are just inspecting panels better than before and that they have not really fixed anything.

There inspection process is obviously less than perfect because yellow ones are still getting through.

Really the QC on these is questionable isn't it? By way of contrast my father has just purchased a £500 ($800) BTO PC - standard configuration with an overclocked Core 2 Duo processor and the makers QC is outstanding. Once the PC was built they ran 20 hour burn time test sequence - multiple routines performed by his PC for the duration which on completion my father was e-mailed the results. Then after this the PC was then further QC'd by an operator/engineer for which my father then got another e-mail of the results before it was finally despatched.

This isn't to argue that PC's are some how better (would never swap a MAC for a PC) but an example of how seriously some companies treat their QC. Also I wouldn't suggest a mass manufacturer like Apple could adopt this degree of QC, but surely some middle ground could be achieved rather than the iMacs rumbling of the production line on a wing and a prayer?
You called Apple and told them about the yellow issue after you got your 6th replacement? Did they tell you the panel replacement will be available in the future? for real?

If yes, I would like to wait and ask Apple to call me when the fix is available. Can i do that?

They told me that the panel replacements will be available in three weeks.
I spoke with AppleCare today. They really wanted me to keep this iMac (# 6) and promised me that I would be called in three weeks (at the most but likely less) to resolve the problem. I told them unless they can specifically tell me why I should wait the three weeks then I would prefer a refund as this stage. I have arranged for them to collect the iMac and process a refund for me.
Today, I heard a buzz sound coming from the top left corner of the iMac. it happend after using it for a while.

I also found a black dust behind the glass at the right corner

Called again today, Apple's Relation agent, told me to wait till the 15 of february that is the only date witch the technicians, who are presentally working on the issue, will confirm and adress with apple tech on a possible firmware, fix, recall or parts replacement.

Thill then they have no concrete answer to give anyone, but to wait and try to work in collaboration with Apple to resolve the issue.

I am not one of them and will be returning for a full refund (6th Imac by the way) and will be contacted by Apple Relations when the problems will be fixed.

Plus compensation for my troubles!

Till then, sit back and enjoy your piss filled screens!
Got mine today, a week 5, my 5th replacement (I had week 50-53 before).

I can say it's a keeper for me even though it still has a very slight yellow tinge on the right side. I only notice it if I'm looking for it. When using it normally, it doesn't bother me at all.

Everything else is perfect! :)
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