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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 7, 2002
Sarasota FL
Thought some of y'all might like this.

I was feeling kinda bored yesterday so I started a little project late in the afternoon and just wrapped it up a little while ago, so here it is.

Background: We have a pair of cats and the cats love catnip. For years I've had a catnip plant growing in an old Macquarium, my very first Macquarium in fact. As is true with so many of my v1 projects, it wasn't a very good aquarium and sadly, it wasn't a very good planter either. Nonetheless, it's served for a long time but about a week ago the cats escaped their normal confines and had free access to the catnip plant for quite a while.

They ate it. All of it. All the way down to the soil. I couldn't believe it.

Anyway, yesterday I resolved to build a new catnip planter, one that was better than the re-purposed aquarium I'd been using. I began with a really nasty, dirty, velcro covered Mac Plus.


Obligatory picture of the signatures in the back of the case.

When I build Macquariums, I cut the whole lid off the computer. This time I decided to just cut the handle out, thinking I would save myself some work.

Eventually I get the whole handle removed. This was not less work at all. :(

I'm not going to build a tank to fit in this case, but I still want a piece of acrylic over the monitor opening. I score and snap an 8x6 inch piece of 1/8 acrylic for that purpose.

The bezel opening for the old monitor is curved and of course my new piece of acrylic is flat. That won't do...

Using my super hi-tech coffee mug support system along with a propane torch, I carefully heat up the plate of acrylic until it gets soft and saggy.

Almost perfect and more than good enough for me!

To be continued...
Continued from the first post...

After all that work getting the handle cut out, I decide the lid must be removed after all and start cutting.

This Mac shell is really just an enclosure for any appropriately sized pot. To get the pot to the desired height, I chop up a piece of plastic light cover I have laying around. This will let water drain and air circulate and I can add/remove pieces as needed.

Now I take a trip to the Homey Depot for a catnip plant to replace the recently consumed. Let's put it all together.

The reason I wanted a front acrylic piece was so I could tape a picture behind it. One of the things I hated about the old aquarium planter was all you could see through the front was dirt and with this one, I didn't want to look at the pot inside. So, one print & trimmed picture later, we are finished!

I think this is going to work just great!

From the back. It's easy to water without removing the lid or front.

Rocky & Turbo approve!

Now I just need to make sure they aren't left alone with it.

Well, that was a fun little project. Beginning to finish about 5 hours labor including cleanup at a cost of $3 for a catnip plant. Everything else was just stuff laying around.

Thanks for looking
did you say that it was an aquarium
The planter that this one replaces began life as an aquarium, but it was my first generation design and not very practical. It was strong as hell though so I drilled some holes in the bottom filled it with dirt, and used it for years as a planter.

This one is a better planter, but won't ever be an aquarium.
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