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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Aug 2, 2009
So ... This week's contest topic is invertebrates . Any animals without backbones . Have fun with this ; send your kids out to look under rocks , check behind the refrigerator , investigate cookbooks for recipes, or just go into your archives . but please no pix of co-workers , in-laws , or politicians . They don't qualify , no matter what you might think .

The usual rules apply:

· The photographs must be your own work.

· You may only submit one photo per contest.

· No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.

· This contest runs for one week, starting now.

· At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.

· The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).

EDIT: caterpillar of pale tussock moth (Calliteara pudibunda), Åland, ??
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So ... This week's contest topic is invertebrates . Any animals without backbones . Have fun with this ; send your kids out to look under rocks , check behind the refrigerator , investigate cookbooks for recipes, or just go into your archives . but please no pix of co-workers , in-laws , or politicians . They don't qualify , no matter what you might think .

The usual rules apply:

· The photographs must be your own work.

· You may only submit one photo per contest.

· No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.

· This contest runs for one week, starting now.

· At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.

· The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
So selfies are ok?
I had to verify that insects are indeed invertibrates in the taxonomic sense. A competition turns into a biology lesson! It has to be an archive shot, since most stuff has disappeared for the season, other than the lady bugs and box-elder bugs that randomly invade our home. :D
Not only you! Checked few things as well and then went with something soft. ?
at first i thought this was an odd theme.

now i’m glad i’m not judging it.
Yes ... well ,I wanted a contest that was a bit different , didn't want the usual cute furry/feathered things or great landscapes/cityscapes but seem to have shot myself in the foot . Maybe I should have limited it a bit more to something like cnidarians , or echinoderms ; but what's done is done . Pretty neat stuff so far , though .
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Reactions: Clix Pix and mollyc
So many pictures, not even one of a snail!
We, the French people, curse you. Curse you to the grave, as..., oh look, there is a very cute bee.
I'll be shutting this thing down tomorrow at noon EST (NYC time) . How 'bout a couple of more entries ? Maybe get your friends together , go out for dinner , take a picture of the calamari you have for an appetizer ( with or without the red sauce) .
Guess it’s time to judge this thing , so here goes …..

@Slartibart : Great “Day-Glo” caterpillar . Are they really that color , or was it fluorescing under UV light? Nice job ! , and thanks for the I.D..

@tizeye : Never had much luck photographing jellyfish . This is much better than my feeble attempts . I wasn’t able to get the EXIF data off the image , but I suspect you were working with a pretty slow exposure/big aperture/high ISO .

@OldMacs4Me : This just pops out ! Nice colorful image that shows that good shots can be taken without high end equipment . An old favorite of yours for good reason !

@ imac wannabe : One of those tiny wasps that seem to be all over the place in the summer . Nice job keeping the wasp in focus while having just about everything else out. I like that you’ve captured the iridescence in the wings . Macro lens , Phone , or just a big crop?

@oblomow : So did you meet the aliens ? Bit out of focus , but not surprising considering you were probably dealing with less than optimal lighting , plus the jellyfish’s motion . Are the four semicircular orange-ish things a result of bioluminescence , or some sort of reflection?

@ Janichsan : An interesting capture . I haven’t seen a mantis in my yard for a few years . I had to Google to see if the little bug was a male , but apparently it isn’t . Maybe it isn’t even a mantis .

@katbel : Nice job getting an image of a (to me) difficult subject with lots of detail . With an iPhone no less !

@ Darmok N Jalad : When I was a kid , we called these things skatebugs . Never thought to try to capture an image of one of these . I like how you’ve captured the depressions in the water’s surface where the bug’s legs are in contact . Done with the 100-400?

@ squawk7000 : Good head-on shot . Taken with a longer focal length? Maybe stopping down a bit would have brought the back ends of the wings into focus a bit more , assuming you weren’t deliberately going for an out of focus background . But I’m speaking after the fact . Bug photography is pretty challenging .

@ Hughmac : Ladybug ! Helios 44-2 ? Is that an adapted M42 lens? Anyway , a creditable effort in capturing something really small . Nailed the DOF ! I’ve always had problems imaging these things as the details in black head seem to get lost . Lightening the blacks never worked too well for me .

@ mollyc : Nice …Lots of detail in this image . I like how the background color approximates that of the subject without distracting from it . A bit tighter crop on the bug might bring out even more detail .

@ VulchR : Thought we’d see more dragonflies . But this is a good one . Lots of detail on the wings and body . Did you take this in the cool of the morning when bugs are slow , or was it just cooperative?

So now for the results … Remember that these are just opinion of an old guy with the beginnings of cataracts who wears bifocals and in no way represents any kind of expert opinion whatsoever …

Third Place : @mollyc and @katbel

Second Place : @Darmok N Jalad and @imac wannabe (tie)

First Place : @OldMacs4Me

Congrats to all ! On to the next one , @OldMacs4Me it’s all yours!
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