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macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 10, 2014
A Blast From The Past

I have a few photos from when my parents were young. I have these two, which they took on a trip to Stonehenge in the winter of 1967. That was shortly after I was born. I've always admired the simplicity of the photos - they were simple prints. I scanned them and made a more 'presentable' diptych.

The theme is for a blast from the past. It could be any photo from your old days - family, events, anything really.

Be safe, be well and have fun!

The rules are as follows:

· Follow all relevant local laws regarding stay-at-home orders. If you can't go outside, try and take a photo at home or grab one from the archives.

· Do not comment, vote, react or click “like” on images prior to the winners being announced.

· The photographs must be your own work.

· You may only submit one photo per contest.

· This contest runs for one week. If in doubt, check the dates in the title.

· At the end of the week, The Judge will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.

· If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline, then last week's 2nd place has to step in. 3rd place takes over should 2nd place be similarly unable to officiate.

· The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create a new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).

· Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.

Stonehenge - Winter 1967

Stonehenge Winter 1967.jpg
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Not terribly far back in history but a photo reminding me of the really pleasant day friends and I had in Ocean City, New Jersey in July 2018. We were planning to meet there again in May of this year but of course the pandemic and stay-at-home orders put "paid" to that. So instead I've found this in my archives and processed it....

A Day at the Beach.jpeg
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Not terribly far back in history but a photo reminding me of the really pleasant day friends and I had in Ocean City, New Jersey in July 2018. We were planning to meet there again in May of this year but of course the pandemic and stay-at-home orders put "paid" to that. So instead I've found this in my archives and processed it....

View attachment 925481

Commenting on the locale and not the image......

Ocean City is one of very few Jersey Shore cities and beaches that are still nice.
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Absolutely agree! I loved it -- have been there twice now and really was looking forward to being there again this spring, but no go..... There's just such a wonderful, delightful atmosphere and it really feels like a nice and fairly safe place to spend some time. I much prefer it to Ocean City, MD, that's for sure! I think I love it even more than I love Rehoboth, and that's saying something!
Sparky and Flit jumping over a log, early 1970s. I was laying on the other side of the log, calling the dogs to me, then Dad took over and called them to him.
His skill at photography was what encouraged me to have a go myself.

I don't know if this qualifies for the competition as my father took the original shot, with his Voigtlander Vito B 35mm rangefinder camera, probably with Ilford film as he used to buy it in bulk.
He printed it up and mounted it on about A3 size board, and after he passed away all his prints came to me.
The entry you see is a photo I took of the print.

Cheers :)

Decided to change photo. While the one with my father and my being back of the truck is always an easy application of the topic, ran across this slide I took in the 1980s. A parade of times past. Original steam rollers, commemorating the local factory in Thetford, UK, that built them. (My house was just out of the picture - next to the one in the background.)
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From 2004, my last time at the old (to me) Busch Stadium (the second of three by that name) in St. Louis. I grew up in the metro and had many fond memories of going to this stadium with friends and family through my childhood. The last game had this rain delay, and we ended up not waiting it out since my nephew would have been up way past his bedtime (he just graduated high school this year). I’ve yet to go to a game at Busch Stadium III. I don’t live in the area anymore, so it’s not as easy as it once was. Alas, most pro sports aren’t what they used to be anymore anyway!

Taken with an old HP 2 MP point-and-shoot. A camera so simple that it couldn’t even record audio with the video, and it ran on 4 AA batteries!
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Pre digital era. Scan from a kodachrome slide. My then girlfriend (now wife) and I were on a cross country skiing trip. After a comfortable night in a cabin I had to go to the toilet. Outhouse, of course. The toilet was build by a connoisseur: polished wooden seating and a window overlooking a beautiful frozen lake. After finishing I ran back to the cabin passing the thermometer. That showed me why I wanted to rush things while sittting with my trousers around my ankles. Rushed indoors, grabbed a camera, took a snap and went back inside for coffee.

There is a more entertaining story about another trip up north involving a sauna, deep snow, two french flight attendants and a lost flipflop... But sadly, no pictures.
Alright then. Closing the competition at sundown. I'll review and make my choices in the morning.

Thanks to all who have contributed :)
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Alright then.... I've had my first coffee.

I'm not much for critiquing other peoples work, so I go on my initial reactions.

@deep diver - Great action shot. Did you go up in that balloon ?

@mtbdudex - Awesome. An album cover was my first thought as well. I hope you had some great memories from that trip.

@Clix Pix - A sign of a different time. Even though it’s only a few years back.

@Hughmac - Awesome capture and a great story of your inspiration to get into photography.

@tizeye - I did like the original photo you shared. I do like the parade of machines - giving a link to the past.

@Darmok N Jalad - A nice memory captured with the simplest of cameras.

@oblomow - Great story. That looks far too cold to manage.

@imac wannabe - Great scene. I can imagine the sound was awesome.

@Strider64 - No worries about a late entry. Nice capture.

And the winners are:

Third - @tizeye
Second - @Hughmac
First - @mtbdudex

Great entries from everyone. Congrats to all.
Thanks very much for the "safe" second place, and congrats to @tizeye and @mtbdudex.

If you're interested there is a collection of my father's photos at, all large size prints that I took shots of myself, as they were too large to scan.

@tizeye I've found a little more about your traction engine as per the screenshot below from our government website, and it seems it's still running ;)

Screenshot at Jun 27 11-59-07.png

Cheers :)

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Thanks very much for the "safe" second place, and congrats to @tizeye and @mtbdudex.

@tizeye I've found a little more about your traction engine as per the screenshot below from our government website, and it seems it's still running ;)

Cheers :)

Yes, Interesting it was named the CHASBURRELL for the government registration. Suspect not named that originally but was manufactured by Charles Burrell & Sons which had, arguably, had the largest steam factory in the world, operating from 1848 to 1929. While I normally walked to town on the 'wrong' side of the River Ouse which was more convenient, if I crossed over and walked the Thetford Priory side, would walk right past the factory which is currently the Charles Burrell Museum. Those vehicles are on display at the museum, and obviously, working models.
Alright then.... I've had my first coffee.

I'm not much for critiquing other peoples work, so I go on my initial reactions.

And the winners are:

Third - @tizeye
Second - @Hughmac
First - @mtbdudex

Great entries from everyone. Congrats to all.

Wow, thx for 1st place, kudos to the other contestants.

I’ll make a new contest and post it tomorrow .

Just for throwback, here’s another from that trip, yea I’m on top, 16 years old then.
I was out for this one, I had nothing of age to contribute, well, I have nothing from before 2008.

Good judging @stillcrazyman & a good theme too, it was enjoyable to observe from the sidelines. I would have gone with the same victor for this round, the Partridge Family sprung to mind for me! Very cool.

Congrat's to all that entered.
I don’t have anything of even that vintage!

Well done everyone. An interesting snapshot into the past!
Wow, thx for 1st place, kudos to the other contestants.

I’ll make a new contest and post it tomorrow .

Just for throwback, here’s another from that trip, yea I’m on top, 16 years old then.
Congrats on the win. Your lucky to have so many family snaps.
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