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macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 18, 2016
We are having the slowest start to spring here, and anyone who pays the slightest bit of attention to the POTD thread knows I have a "very small" affinity for flowers. :eek: :D So if spring won't happen outside, please help me find it here! Macro, grocery store bunch, a hillside of wildflowers. I don't care what kind, just bright happy colors!

Untitled-1 copy.jpg

The rules are as usual:

· The photographs must be your own work.

· Be creative and have fun.

· You may only submit one photo per contest.

· Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

· The contest runs for a week and starts now!

· At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.

· If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline for close, then a vote will be carried out to select a winner. This will be based on the number of "likes" each image has. In the event of a draw, the second place winner from the previous week will choose the tiebreaker.

· The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).

· Please update the Weekly Contest Master List when you post a new contest

Good luck everyone and looking forward to seeing what you can do with the theme.
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You are cruel...

Where indeed IS Spring!?!?

We might have snowflakes tomorrow. And maybe Monday. If you can't find me, it's because I've dug a hole and died in it. I live in freaking Virginia! Not Montana!
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We might have snowflakes tomorrow. And maybe Monday. If you can't find me, it's because I've dug a hole and died in it. I live in freaking Virginia! Not Montanta!

Ha ha ha we had a "White Easter"! that shouldnt even be a thing!
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I got back into the botanic gardens in town with one of the Mindful Photography group on Monday, but the idea I had for an image couldn't be accomplished. I didn't have the ability to bring along my own telephoto lens to be able to get a close up of one of the Amazonian Waterlilies, so I'll go with this one, as it was the only other flower image I took this week.


Canon 6D, Canon 17-40mm f/4 L, Multi-segment Metering, Aperture Priority
ISO6400, 40mm, f/4, 1/320
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Damnit! first entry and already game over for me!

Yeah. Don't you hate it when someone else's place holder is better than your best.
Same here mate. We should make the big guns wait until the last day before they submit :cool:
(only joking, Alex).

I will however still be taking part ;)

Cheers :)


I disagree. I don't want to get my hopes up just to have them shattered at the last minute.
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So sorry, I was only joking !!
Please put the original submission back up, and forgive the misplaced sense of humour.

Cheers :)

It's all good, Hugh. No offence was taken at all.

I'd like to try and take something each week for this challenge, if I can manage it and as it is, I have the opportunity to do so this week. I already have an idea of what I want to explore in regards of flowers at the botanic gardens in the city. :cool:
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There is no spring, no flowers. Just yesterday it snowed like the winter was just beginning. It doesn’t matter though, because I get to shoot dancers, all day, every day. It’s not a winner, it’s hardly even a flower shot. I just thought you all should see those eyes.

There is no spring, no flowers. Just yesterday it snowed like the winter was just beginning. It doesn’t matter though, because I get to shoot dancers, all day, every day. It’s not a winner, it’s hardly even a flower shot. I just thought you all should see those eyes.

View attachment 757317
According to the third rule "thou shalt not comment on an others entry until the judgement has been passed"

Does this include any technical questions about a shot? o_O

I'll ask anyway and remove it if it needs to be.

@Robotti Mikko, can I ask what ISO this was taken at and why you were underexposing by 1 2/3 stops? I'm assuming it was an accidentally dialled in setting. I was surprised that a shot from a D750 would be so noisy, even in low light and when I saw the exif data, it explained that it's possibly cause you had to open things up in PP due to the severe underexposure. I'm just curious about it. :)
According to the third rule "thou shalt not comment on an others entry until the judgement has been passed"

Does this include any technical questions about a shot? o_O

I'll ask anyway and remove it if it needs to be.

@Robotti Mikko, can I ask what ISO this was taken at and why you were underexposing by 1 2/3 stops? I'm assuming it was an accidentally dialled in setting. I was surprised that a shot from a D750 would be so noisy, even in low light and when I saw the exif data, it explained that it's possibly cause you had to open things up in PP due to the severe underexposure. I'm just curious about it. :)

This photo is at ISO 12800.

I always underexpose by at least one stop in competitions and shows. There are several reasons. First and foremost, the D750 copes much, much better with low light than over-exposing. Blue and red spot lights on the face will destroy the image 100%, if I expose for the white halogens. D750 sensor is pretty much iso-invariant, so it essentially makes no difference if I underexpose and bring it back, as long as I don't do it more than 3 stops and stay well under the maximum native ISO. Which, obviously, I didn't do :).

On the other hand, I have to be at 1/250 or even faster for ballet and contemporary. And depending on the lighting setup, there simply may not be enough light to expose correctly, unless there's a spotlight for the dancer.

Which is why I decided to purchase the D750, which, after very careful investigation, seemed to have the most iso-invariant sensor on the market at the time. In the studio, I still stay at ISO 100 and expose correctly, because it's just good practice.

This photo kind of an extreme example, because it's cropped a lot, so there's more noise than usually.
This photo is at ISO 12800.

I always underexpose by at least one stop in competitions and shows. There are several reasons. First and foremost, the D750 copes much, much better with low light than over-exposing. Blue and red spot lights on the face will destroy the image 100%, if I expose for the white halogens. D750 sensor is pretty much iso-invariant, so it essentially makes no difference if I underexpose and bring it back, as long as I don't do it more than 3 stops and stay well under the maximum native ISO. Which, obviously, I didn't do :).

On the other hand, I have to be at 1/250 or even faster for ballet and contemporary. And depending on the lighting setup, there simply may not be enough light to expose correctly, unless there's a spotlight for the dancer.

Which is why I decided to purchase the D750, which, after very careful investigation, seemed to have the most iso-invariant sensor on the market at the time. In the studio, I still stay at ISO 100 and expose correctly, because it's just good practice.

This photo kind of an extreme example, because it's cropped a lot, so there's more noise than usually.
Thanks for that thorough explanation, Mikko! Now I understand the underexposure being applied. That's about the same level of noise that I get from the 6D at ISO 12,800 too. I have one shot taken at ISO 25,600 that actually has minimal noise to it, taken in the nocturnal house at the local zoo of a bat, it's the only one above ISO 6,400 that I've ever kept!

Photography of performance under theatrical lighting is a huge challenge, due to its changeability and low light conditions. I get to do it for one of our boys as he's involved in a lot of theatre and stand-up comedy.

Thanks again for the explanation. :)
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