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imac wannabe

macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 1, 2011
Appleton, WI
Welcome to this week's photo contest thread!

Theme: Odd Couples

This is a saying in the US that applies to any 2 or more things that just don't fit together. Doesn't have to be people...have fun!


1. Please submit only one photo per contest.

2. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

3. The contest runs until 08:00 GMT 5th August 2014.

4. At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

5. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

*To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread*
tim and boris doing oscar and felix ...


  • odd_couple.JPG
    1 MB · Views: 119

I'm sorry for the dud of a theme:eek: I look forward to the next one!:cool:

gaswerks - This one obviously made me laugh. The Odd Couple! Cute photo.

Alexander.Of.Oz - I have to admit I'm not a gardener and had to look up which was bad and which was good lol...nice macro I just wish the focus was on the lady bug and not the leaf/flower. I recently got my first macro lens and I know how hard that can be sometimes!

Cheese&Apple - Well another laugh! It is a very funny photo and I like the color. It is also funny the only 2 looking up are the stuffed animals! Very much like our modern world sadly.

Apple fanboy - Huge aviation fan! I am a professional pilot and yes, like you I'm guessing, I'd take the Spit! Nice capture of a historic event the composition is the only thing I'd change.

Well my heart won't let me have a "loser" this week with so little activity. Thanks for all of you posting your photos:

3RD - Tie Apple fanboy and gaswerks
2ND - Alexander.Of.Oz
1ST - Cheese&Apple
Thanks for the feedback iMac wannabe, I thought this weeks theme would have had many more entries, with the potential for all manner of things to be entered... Possibly too many Summertime activities going on up in the Northern hemisphere!? Macro is a challenge when handheld, just a half a millimetre makes all the difference to nailing the focus when you are positioning yourself, maybe even less when using extension tubes.

Peter, I still get a smile from your entry, which is the sign of a good image, to me. Congratulations!

gaswerks, I thought yours was a good entry, another that brought a smile to my face!

AF, I'm with you on the loving the vintage version. We have a Tiger Moth locally and one day, I'll get in for a joyride. A really nice capture with the contrast of technologies, the 70-200 is working a treat for you, if that's what you used!
I was a bit suprised there weren't more entries for this one. There was lots of scope to do something.
Like you say, people probably on holiday.

And yes 70-200 with 2 x TC was used on the aviation shots. Despite all the wonderful planes on show, it was the Spitfire that I enjoyed the most.
An absolute classic little plane.

Here's to the next!
I really like that photo of yours Peter, never fails to raise a smile! Well done!

I'm disappointed not to have taken part this week, it was a good theme, just been rushed off my feet.

Look forward to seeing what's next :)
imac, I was surprised there weren't more. But, I didn't participate either. Sometimes the universe just doesn't line up I guess. I had an idea but just coudn't get around to it. As my Dad would say...I need to get some round toits.

I think it was a good idea for a theme. Sometimes they can be incredibly hard to come up with.
Nothing wrong with the subject , everyone was just tied up with summer stuff . I had some ideas , but trying to tie up some loose ends before heading out on a vacation road trip never got around to them.
No Problem!

Congrats to the winners. Not to worry imac wannabe, I did not have time to treat this contest as an assignment and I could not find an appropriate entry. Next time!
Separated by some 60 odd years in technology. I still know which one I'd rather fly though!

[url=]Image[/url]20140712-_DSC4985 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

Fabulous shot. Love the contrast of technology. The Typhoon is an awesome weapon system! (sorry sorry sorry pedantic alert! it isn't a Tornado)


On topic of the challenge this week, sorry, I just couldn't come up with anything worthwhile to post. Nothing wrong with the subject, purely a challenge in converging time and creative thought.
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