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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 23, 2006
The topic of this week's contest is "clean". Interpret this any way you like.

Standard rules apply.

Follow all relevant local laws regarding stay-at-home orders. If you can't go outside, try and take a photo at home or grab one from the archives.
  • Do not comment, vote, react or click "like" on images prior to the winners being announced.
  • The photographs must be your own work.
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • This contest runs for one week. If in doubt, check the dates in the title.
  • At the end of the week, The Judge will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline, then last week's 2nd place has to step in. 3rd place takes over should 2nd place be similarly unable to officiate.
  • The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create a new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends at the end of 7/4/21, Central European Summer Time.
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Reactions: mollyc and Hughmac

That’s pretty clean.
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Reactions: imac wannabe
The contest is closed. I will try to come up with a judgment over the course of the day.
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Reactions: deep diver
Well, here's my judgment. As always, purely subjective... That's really some clean nature. I like the incredible detail and the layering with the somewhat darker background emphasizing the foreground.

@someoldguy Fits the topic, but looks a bit too much a random snapshot. A photo of one of the men cleaning a car could have made an interesting picture, although the guy on the right already looks quite suspiciously.

@deep diver Artisanal brooms - Traditionalism or Hipsterdom? Discussion at 11. Anyway, an almost intimate picture with a great focus on the tools and the material.

@Strider64 Great LEGO build with nice details. There's even "water" in the sink. Good macro shot.

@Apple_Glen_UK That is one clean cat. The brighter vignetting gives the picture a somewhat "dreamy" atmosphere.

@OldMacs4Me The landscape in the background looks impressive. Where is that? I can see your reasoning for your motif, but unfortunately the "foam" is a bit too indistinct to catch the eye. A closer view or a different angle to put it more into focus might have made the picture more interesting.

@oblomow Well, that's just sh—! :p

And the final results:

3rd: @Strider64


1st: @deep diver
@OldMacs4Me The landscape in the background looks impressive. Where is that? I can see your reasoning for your motif, but unfortunately the "foam" is a bit too indistinct to catch the eye. A closer view or a different angle to put it more into focus might have made the picture more interesting.
Yeah I just wasn't coming up with anything that fit the topic well.

Just on the Alberta side of the Continental Divide along highway 3. Facing more or less east from an edge of Island lake.
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Thanks for the kind words and the safe podium place [mention]Janichsan [/mention] great judging.

Looking forward to what [mention]deep diver [/mention] comes back with.

And of course congratulations to everyone.
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Yadda, yadda, yadda................

I'll try to come up with something tonight.


My pict is definitely traditionalism. I shot this at a 18th/19th Century property called Hale Farm in Bath, OH. I shot this 19th Century property with my daguerreotype lens (of course.).
My entry looks like a random snapshot because it is a random snapshot . The 2 guys in the picture don't wash your car , they just take your money and hose off the wheels . The washing part is done mechanically as your car , with you in it , is pulled through the wash . I thought it'd be neat to get images of inside the wash during the washing process , but the results were , to say the least , not what I'd hoped .
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Reactions: Janichsan
The new theme is posted

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