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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 25, 2023
I find my theme to be quite trite and predictable this week, but I can't get it out of my head. This year has been hard and I'm trying to drum up some holiday spirit wherever I might find it and this seems like the perfect place to do so. December Holiday Photographs. I can hear it now: "I KNEW she was going to choose this topic!" and I HATE being predictable, but here we are. I spent last evening searching for ideas, but kept coming back to this one.

When I say December Holidays, that means the image can relate not to just Christmas, but to Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Boxing Day, Yule, Bodhi Day, Christmas Eve, or New Years Eve. If you have birthdays in December, those will count as well. I hope to see a variety of images, not just the celebration of Christmas, though the photographs will be judged on the picture, not what holiday you choose.

For anyone new or anyone old (like me) who may have forgotten, the following rules apply:

  • The photographs must be your own work
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place!
  • This contest runs for about a week, starting now.
  • At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends December 12, 6.00 PM Pacific Coast time (PST). (As luck would have it, I will be traveling on the 12th back to Boise, ID as they are admitting my daughter into hospital that day and starting a new trial medication that has been successful in other cases to help kill her cancer. I will take my Mac and will have a lot of sitting time, so there shouldn't be a problem with me wrapping up the judging on time. If something changes I will reach out to someone and ask them to take over for me so you all aren't left hanging. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.)
  • As always, I hope you have fun with this theme; I can't wait to see your entries! Happy Holidays!
The traditional Chinese ghost month is the seventh month of the agricultural calendar (so normally August), but it looks like somebody didn't get the message. Shot with a Nikon FE on Ilford HP5+ metered at ASA 800.
Depending on what time we arrive in Boise tomorrow and what happens when we get there, I will try to get results then. To be realistic, however, I have to get up VERY early, long drive, and the stress of what happens with Tiffany so it will probably be Friday. Thank you for your understanding.
I left the hospital early so I could come back to my room and get this out. So far, Tiffany is doing fine and her SO is with her.

I am so glad to see we had some last minute entries. I was feeling sad that so few people participated because I figured that everyone has some kind of holiday photos. All the entries are fabulous as is the norm for these contests.

On with my take of the photos at hand, keeping in mind that I am not a professional photographer and use what I've learned by experience and books as well as my own taste to judge the photos.


@26Gold What a creative photo setup! This is especially interesting with the title you later gave the image. If you could have closed the doll's eyes I think it would have been even better. The lighting is really well-aimed. Lots of Fun! And, welcome to the weekly photo contest; it's good to see new faces here!

@piatigorsky Interesting take on the manger scene. I didn't expect a black and white holiday scene (I don't know why....I guess because I think of holiday lights, ornaments, ribbon, colorful things) but with the lighting, it works well.

@_timo_redux_ I love this photograph with the kitty lying on the package, the lights, the ornaments, the gift wrap. There's no question this is a holiday photo and a very sweet one at that.

@mollyc Ah, the picking out of the Christmas tree. I miss those days (I live in an apartment and don't have room for a real tree). I like how the photo says "This is Christmas" without any of the usual props. The pine trees, the snow all speaks for itself.

@Snowlover What fun! This brings back memories as my ex-husband was a firefighter and at Christmas we would decorate the trucks, put a Santa on each one, blare Christmas music from speakers and drive around our vicinity delivering candy to the houses. Everyone looked forward to that night. Your photo is full of joy with some different Christmas items.

@kendallm Another new face; welcome! It's a very well composed photo, but I'm sorry to say that I am unfamiliar with the game they are playing. The lights along the sides of the image tell me it's a holiday photo, but someone with more worldwide knowledge than I will need to fill in the blanks for me.

@Janichsan Beautiful photo in traditional red and green. I love the lights and the reflection of them in the ornament. Very sharp photo. Great lighting and composition.

@oblomow I had a good laugh at your title! That's one large deer or so the POV makes it seem so. The gold in the deer in the dark of night makes a startling contrast. Very beautiful.

@OldMacs4Me Gorgeous photo with all the right elements. Love the placement of the pine cone instead of framing it right in the middle of the image. I also love the subtle lighting and the frosted pine needles dispersed throughout. Lovely image.

Third place: @Janichsan

Second place: @Snowlover

First Place: @_timo_redux_

Thank you all for participating and sharing your wonderful photos. As always, if you can find a moment to tell us a little about your photo, that would be great!

@_timo_redux_ I turn it over to you!
@piatigorsky Interesting take on the manger scene. I didn't expect a black and white holiday scene (I don't know why....I guess because I think of holiday lights, ornaments, ribbon, colorful things) but with the lighting, it works well.
Lol, I was digging through my photo archives for this contest, and just happened to see this creepy manger scene, and I thought I simply had to share it. It actually didn't look creepy in person, but with the equipment and film I had on hand, it just sort of turned out that way!
@kendallm Another new face; welcome! It's a very well composed photo, but I'm sorry to say that I am unfamiliar with the game they are playing. The lights along the sides of the image tell me it's a holiday photo, but someone with more worldwide knowledge than I will need to fill in the blanks for me.

Its curling! Just a small setup they had at a holiday market I visited.

Its curling! Just a small setup they had at a holiday market I visited.
Thank you for letting me know, @kendallm ! I don't know anything about curling; are you in the USA? Somewhere in this country they probably play it, but nowhere close to any place I've ever called home. I'm glad you entered the contest and hope to see more of your photography on the forum! :)
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