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Darmok N Jalad

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 26, 2017
Tanagra (not really)
Ok, so it's not exactly about detail, but I didn't want to make a really long title. So I call this "the unrecognizable crop" challenge. At the risk of doing something a little different, this round is performed in 2 steps.

Step 1 is your actual entry where judging occurs--present a crop of your photo, one that perhaps emphasizes a detail of your greater subject. The goal here is to see what you can achieve with less than all your subject. The idea here though is that your entry should come from the original photo.

Step 2 is entirely voluntary and is to happen after the end of the contest when a winner is chosen--present the entire photo to reveal your subject. I've been terribly busy, so I may not have the best example to start with--so please do better than me!

The usual rules apply:

· The photographs must be your own work.

· Be creative and have fun.

· You may only submit one photo per contest.

· Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

· The contest runs for a week and starts now!

· At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.

· If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline for close, then a vote will be carried out to select a winner. This will be based on the number of "likes" each image has. In the event of a draw, the second place winner from the previous week will choose the tiebreaker.

· The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).

· Please update the Weekly Contest Master List when you post a new contest
Just to be clear, the submission image is to be an actual crop of a larger image? The submission shouldn’t be cropped in camera to look more mysterious?
On to part 1. I’ll judge based on the spirit of the contest. The less I could make out what I’m seeing, the better, provided your submission’s quality was still there. Disclaimer: I’m no expert judge!

@deep diver A very good start to the contest. Can’t make out what it is, but the interest and composition is good. My guess would be a rock of some kind, perhaps mica or a geode cross-section?

@AlexH I know a stringed instrument when I see one, but perhaps you’ll surprise me with a mystery machine. Either way, nice smooth composition.

@malofx Looks like a stairway in a sandy canyon—perhaps in Utah? I do like the colors and wish to see more.

@tizeye I have no freakin clue. Good job stumping the panel of experts! Consider my curiosity piqued. The simplicity makes it a minimalist entry, too.

@Apple fanboy I see trees and a sunset, but not sure what else is going on. Nice colors.

@Donka I’m guessing a wall of metal, an architectural detail of a greater subject. Curious to see if the wall disappears in its setting.

@Janichsan Another mystery subject. I’d have to guess it’s another architectural detail, or maybe you found the room that turns everyday people into superheroes. Gotta see more here.

@CmdrLaForge Organic life of some kind. My guess is beggar’s lice (stick tights). Total shot in the dark. It might be a bug or something.

@oblomow With the winter we’ve been having, this could be my own backyard. I hope it’s not the top of some old lady’s walker. Maybe a boot scrapper?

@Hughmac I’ve seen sheep before. I’m guessing something more is just off to the right? Hopefully not a wolf!

@Somepix I know it’s a nose, no? Doggonit. ;) Nice detail though. Good to see someone is enjoying all this snow.

3rd: @deep diver —you may have deserved second if my guess is way off.
2nd: @Janichsan —I hope your full photo surprises me!
1st: @tizeye —seriously. No. Clue. Best I can think of is a lego brick. Congrats!

Thanks all, for indulging me in a strange topic. Was hoping for a few more entries, but maybe the time of year and the everlasting winter have put a damper on people getting out.

Now on to optional step 2: show us your original photos!
Congrats to the winners! I wanted to participate but the vast majority of my images have a shallow DOF, which doesn’t lend itself to a heavy crop without turning into a blur. I think I was a fantastic category, but just couldn’t get there.
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