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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 25, 2023
This weeks contest is Seasonal Spring. Feel free to interpret this as you see fit.

As always, standard rules apply:

The photographs must be your own work.

  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.
  • This contest runs for about a week, starting now
  • At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends March 4th, noonish PST

bee - 1.jpeg
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Did I choose a subject that is too soon for the season it something else? Feedback requested, please.
Spring may not have officially arrived, but my recent visits to Kensington Metro Park in Michigan suggest otherwise, particularly with the bird activity I've observed. The Hawks, especially, are busy preparing their nests. It won't be long before these Hawks engage in courtship rituals, culminating in a romantic evening that paves the way for the arrival of a new Eyas. 🤣
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Reactions: C0ncreteBl0nde
Oh! I'm sorry I'm late with the results! Not feeling well today and forgot about it. I will peruse the photos again and return with the winner!
@Strider64 - Beautiful bird framed by the tree and the branches of the nest. I love the lighting on this shot.

@ovbacon - Gorgeous bokeh with the flower bed and I love how the focus tulip is so high in the middle of the frame. The colors draw me in.

@oblomow - I love how sharp and bright the poppy is against the green foliage. The insect (fly? bee?) gives the photo an extra punch to make it more interesting; the rule of third helps too!

@someoldguy - This is the epitome of finding the right place at the right time. The way the rotunda building is framed by the blossoms just screams spring. Add in the interest of the water and you have a great shot.

@Janichsan - What says spring more than a budding tree? Love the way the bud is framed in the shot and while some may feel the extra branch detracts, I think it adds to the interest of the photo.
I hate this part because they are all wonderful photos by people with a definite talent and passion for photography. You all hit the subject on the head.
1st - someoldguy. Of all the photos, yours screams "spring" to me the most.

2nd - ova bacon. (doggone auto correct won't let me type your name correctly) The tulip and the colors surrounding it are what spring is all about. I woke up to snow again today and I'm cannot wait to get rid of the gray and experience colors like this.

3rd - oblomow. An excellent photograph that reminds me of the poppy we'd get in spring near the office I used to work at. Well done!


Thanks for the honor of judging your photographs. I'll turn this over to @someoldguy now~
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