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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 13, 2022
New York City
The sky: interesting clouds, sunsets, storms, contrast to a landscape, star-scapes ... you name it, look up!

As always, standard rules apply:
The photographs must be your own work.
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.
  • This contest runs for about a week, starting now
  • At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends February 9, 2024, say 10 pm EST
Have fun!
@thirsty_monk Love the peeking peak, and the confusion of sky and ground. I find the image too blue; maybe that’s how it was … were it my picture I’d play with the white balance.

@Chuckeee Taken through a car skylight? What a fortunate picture. It’s smudgy and the frame edges feel arbitrary, but I do like how the intensity of a lighting bolt builds from a nearly empty upper left to an eventful lower right. In my mind’s eye I cropped your picture to just the “action,” but it did not improve; the picture needs the “empty” space for the build up.

@someoldguy Classic star-field, the Milky Way a shape not unlike the silhouetted trees, which lean in to the center of the frame where the “action” is. Love the slight dusk-orange on the horizon. Well done.

@ovbacon Horizontal orange-purples with this sunstreak glare cutting up vertically. I also like the positive/negative balance between light and blocked-up blacks.

@mtbdudex One day last summer my son’s much, much delayed flight got him in to Newark at 5 am, and on the New Jersey Turnpike there was this seemingly same sky. What I remember is how muddy-gray everything was before, and then boom! red sky. It’s interesting too how the red sky just overwhelms the other, previously-dominant reds of tail-lights and roadside advertising.

@Apple_Glen_UK Never knew that name, mackerel sky. It brings to mind how very many names there must be, throughout the world, for various recognizable or distinctive skies. I like how this sky is a gradient in both texture and scale.

3rd someoldguy
2nd thirsty_monk
1st Chuckeee

Just a note about the rankings — to my mind, someoldguy’s picture is the “best” in terms of clarity and contrast and maybe even intent. Meanwhile, Chuckeee’s is something of the opposite, a little junky, feeling grabbed. thirsty_monk’s is subtle and in a contest about skies where one expects drama like ovbacon’s or mtbdudex’s (or like what I'm sure I would've submitted), it’s a slow burn; something similar can be said for Apple_Glen_UK’s subtle pattern and lower contrast.

I ended up preferring pictures that imply movement: one can just imagine thirsty_monk’s peak disappearing and reappearing, and of course Chuckeee’s lighting bolt, crossing the frame towards a fortunate juxtaposition with overhead wires, bravo.
Thank you so much for the podium, and well done to everyone for a great set of entries.

My image was taken on a really windy day so the movement you mentioned was really there ;)
Thanks for taking the time , and thought , for your comments , and congrats to @Chuckeee for both first place and not getting zapped while taking his picture . My image was taken at Bryce Canyon in 2018 . 5D2 with a Samyang 14mm lens set wide open at infinity . ISO 2500 , 25 seconds exposure IIRC . No stacking . Tripod and release . I reprocessed the raw image in DXO just out of curiosity and ended up with my entry .
Thanks for taking the time , and thought , for your comments , and congrats to @Chuckeee for both first place and not getting zapped while taking his picture . My image was taken at Bryce Canyon in 2018 . 5D2 with a Samyang 14mm lens set wide open at infinity . ISO 2500 , 25 seconds exposure IIRC . No stacking . Tripod and release . I reprocessed the raw image in DXO just out of curiosity and ended up with my entry .

Loved your entry.
Astrophotography is a hobby of mine, in past contest I’ve submitted this one taken in 2014 Mesa Verde campground, that’s my minivan and popup camper. 70D, single exposure.
There was a dim camp light to back / right that gave the light painting onto the foreground, it was not by a flashlight.
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