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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 28, 2012
Southern NJ
Welcome to this week's photo contest thread!

Theme: Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

I want to see photos of signs: unique signs, cool signs, crazy/weird signs, beat-up old signs, funny signs, billboards...anything you can think up.

1. Please submit only one photo per contest.

2. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

3. The contest runs until 2000 EDT July 19th 2014.

4. At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

5. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

*To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread*
No colour added to this. That is one big red window!

I took this photo because I thought it was funny how the rock was the same shape as the one on the sign. Personalised sign for that piece of rock!

This one was hard. You guys took the idea and ran with it. Great job.

Here goes:

MacRy: So cool. LOVE the "natural" coloring and the framing of the subjects.

needfx: Nice, original idea. This makes me confused, which is a good thing.

AlexH: This makes me curious as to what is above.

Laird Knox: REALLY neat long exposure with a ton of symbolism.

Goftrey: Cool, old sign. Makes me wonder how long its been there. Really showing it's age.

themumu: Nice shot. Seems like a fun ride and I like the colors.

someoldguy: This one made me smile. It's almost like an "un" welcome sign.

Parkin Pig: Wow. This is an awesome shot. Sad, inspirational, beautiful.

Ish: Perfect framing. It's almost like the sign was created specifically for this rock.

fireman32: The sign says extremely dangerous, but it seems like a perfectly innocent place on a great day

Apple fanboy: Nice capture and perfect timing.

Ardmanz: Such a cool shot to me. Has me wondering what exactly the sign is there for. Is it a name, a town, an area of the forest?

JDDavis: Beautiful shot, and even better in B&W.

DirtySocks85: I love this shot. Is it from an art festival?

Alexander.Of.Oz: This one is almost sad. Seems like a nice, peaceful place falling victim to some urban decay.

Third Place: Ardmanz
Second Place: needfx

Winner: Parkin Pig

Wonderful job everyone. Thanks for the submissions, and thank you for giving me a chance to see and judge as an amateur starting out in the great hobby.

Can't wait for the next one.
Many thanks for choosing my pic CharlieBrandt09 - I'm flattered considering the standard, which seems to get higher on a weekly basis. Gotta say I also love Jeff's sign - appropriately backed by the 'nothingness' of space.

Hope it won't be too self-indulgent to share a couple of the others I was considering for this contest, mainly for the novelty aspect.

Number 1 is self-explanatory, and no, the sign wasn't photoshopped, it is actually there on the approach to Everest. The bridge in picture 2 was renamed 'Tittle Cott Bridge' in a moment of politically correct madness, but local people protested to the council and the original name was reinstated in 2008. The sign in picture 3 is one of several in Newcastle which were commissioned as a street art project based on actual, but uninspiring events. Picture 4 - surely the most famous sign in the world? I'm surprised no-one entered that one. or is it too cliché?

I shall set up the next contest now.


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