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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
Welcome to this week's photo contest thread!

I had a look back at past themes, and decided on a broad theme for this weeks contest. Not only would I like to see images with any liquid of your choosing, but making the liquid critical to the image will be all the better.

Theme: Liquid

1. Please submit only one photo per contest.

2. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

3. The contest runs until 1700 PDT July 1st 2014.

4. At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

5. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

*To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread*
This is just to participate a bit, as I enjoy all the truly good submissions. This was taken with my humble iPhone 5 camera as I stopped for a short break on a cycling outing a few weeks ago. Nothing special, but fits with the theme I suppose. Thanks.

Hi everyone, first time submitting any of my work here.

I'm a wildlife photographer at heart, but I do a lot of other types of photography as well. I figured I'd join in on the fun and give this a shot.

This was taken last year on a trip to Yellowstone and while liquid may not be the main subject of this photo, I feel that it would lose a lot of its impact without the water.

Canon 1D Mark IV and 500mm f4L IS

Click for larger version

Apologies for the delay.

Wow, quite the turn out! I didn't comment on everyones images as i'm no pro. However, if you werent mentioned and would like a critique just let me know. Thank you to all who participated it was quite the challenge judging, but here are my favorites this week.

Third: Nice, and simple. I like it. Looks like a photo I would take.

Second: Normally I prefer shots like this to be shot with a longer shutter speed giving the water that silky look, but I really like this! Well done.

First: Wow. Not sure if you took this just for the contest, but I love it. I'm curious though, is it a single exposure?

Oracle1729 please pick the next theme, and post the new contest thread. :)
First: Wow. Not sure if you took this just for the contest, but I love it. I'm curious though, is it a single exposure?

Thanks, I'm glad you liked my work.

It is a single exposure, and that's pretty much as it came out of the camera, all I adjusted was brightness, curves and sharpness. The light is all bounced off the white wall behind the glasses.

I didn't take it just for the contest, I was experimenting with lighting transparent shiny objects a while ago and really liked how this came out. The water was an afterthought, I started with empty glasses in various arrangements, and I've been meaning to revisit it with food coloring in the water.

I will post the new topic tonight.
Apologies for the delay.

Wow, quite the turn out! I didn't comment on everyones images as i'm no pro. However, if you werent mentioned and would like a critique just let me know. Thank you to all who participated it was quite the challenge judging, but here are my favorites this week.

Third: Nice, and simple. I like it. Looks like a photo I would take.

Second: Normally I prefer shots like this to be shot with a longer shutter speed giving the water that silky look, but I really like this! Well done.

First: Wow. Not sure if you took this just for the contest, but I love it. I'm curious though, is it a single exposure?

Oracle1729 please pick the next theme, and post the new contest thread. :)

Thanks for the second place and congrats to the winner! I had shelved that photo a couple years ago because it had some stray wiring going through the bottom of the shot, but a few weeks ago I have taken on the dark art of erasing electrical wires from nature shots, and the results seem quite satisfactory. Now if only Flickr did not add weird moiré-like patterns to scaled down version of this pic, I'd be even more content ;)
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