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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 25, 2023
This weeks theme is "Seeing Red." This topic can mean photos using the color red creatively as the focal point, accent color, or any way you come up with. The photos can also take the theme literally and present photos of things that make you "See Red." (My example photo of tangled cords is such a photo as they are the bane of my existence. I swear I don't put them away like that!) Get out with your camera looking for red or dig through your archives; you may be surprised at what you find! Most of all I hope you fun with this theme.

As always, standard rules apply:

The photographs must be your own work.

You may only submit one photo per contest.

No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.
red - 1.jpeg
red - 3.jpeg
red - 4.jpeg
red1 - 1.jpeg

This contest runs for about a week, starting now.

At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.

The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).

Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.

Contest ends June 13th at 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
This week's contest "Seeing Red" is now closed to entry. I will be back this evening with the results. Thank you to all who participated; you made my job difficult with so many great photos.
Okay..this was tough. I'm kind of regretting choosing such a broad theme. The entries are all great photographs so I had to dig deep in terms of "judging." I studied each entry carefully and what follows is the thought-vomit that each photo invoked.

@Strider64 : A beautiful picture with all the right elements that make a photograph great. There is no doubt the subject is red and this subject is sharp and well-composed. Lovely shot.

@lkalliance : Love the POV of this photo...the sky, the clouds, the buildings. You can't miss the red building and I like that there is also red in the tile(?) walkway leading into the center. Very creative to think to go stand where you did in order to capture this. The reflection in the window to the right is an additional bonus.

@oblomow : I love how you've chosen a photo where red is apparent in so many ways. The sign across the tracks is red-striped as well as the focal point. The small things matter! Being from the USA, I've never seen a railroad sign such as this. Is the sign with 20 on it a speed limit sign or does it have something to do with the railway?

@platigorsky: This is fascinating. I haven't used a film camera since the 80s and was never so fortunate as to learn to develop (or have a place to do so) film. Did you create this specifically for this contest theme? I am anxious to hear about how you achieved this look. In terms of this contest it certainly fits the theme! Very nice.

@arkitect : Great shot with the bright red door in the midst of all the earth tones. When I put my story to this photo, the young lady walking past is deep into some music she is listening to on her AirPods (the bit of white near her ear could be earrings or something else, but to me they are AirPods). The red door definitely stands out and is perfect for this contest theme.

@_timo_redux_ : I love this. TBH part of it could be because I'm partial to redheaded little girls because my granddaughter is one, but it's also a great representation of the theme with the red hair and the red umbrella. It's really a very nice portrait.

@yey365 : Wow! I'm anxious to know where this was taken. Is it inside a church? The POV is amazing and the colors are beautiful. Very nice work!

@Chuckeee : When I first saw this entry and read your description, I was reminded of what I say to myself as I peruse the daily Explore photos on Flickr: "Show me something different!". Many lovely, well-shot photos, but so much of the same things. This is SO different and I love what you've done. Even your pup's name is about red! Great creativity!

@Apple_Glen_UK : When I first saw your photo I thought about how many people were "seeing red" when you took this shot. I've seen (and taken) a lot of firework photos and some grab you and some don't...this is a grabber and perfect for this week's theme. I love that the smoke is red and that all the red is accented with the white bursts. Excellent choice for this theme.

@OldMacs4Me : Red is my favorite color for a vehicle. I've only owned one in my lifetime, but I notice them when I'm on the road. Your neighbor Edmund has done a beautiful job in restoring this pickup and you've chosen a great subject for this contest theme!

@coolguy4747 : I love the atmosphere this photo exudes; it draws you in. At first glance I thought it was a movie theatre lobby but now that I look more closely I don't think it is. Hopefully you will tell us all more about this photo and where it was taken. The red is subtle, but I can't think of any other color that would work like the red does. It reminds me of the colors of a room that the men would retire to for a brandy and a cigar in times of yore (they don't still do that, do they?). The moody colors with the bright lights really work together to make an appealing shot. Nice!

@mollyc : Your photography is always a treat for the eyes. Red Chinese lanterns between the darker surroundings really make them pop and makes it an excellent choice for this theme. I love the POV, the imperfect spacing of the lanterns that appear to blend into one solid mass as you follow them into the bottom center of the photo. I also note that there are red posts along both sides of the street; are those lights on top of them? Beautiful work.

So I had my winners chosen...and then I did some thinking and changed my mind. I had to remember this is a photography contest with a theme. "Duh" you say, but I got off track initially. I honed in on the contest and theme, gave the photos another look and came up with three for the podium. Only one of them had I previously chosen.

Thanks again for everyone who participated; all the entries are great photographs as such as I've come to expect participating in this forum. I hope that ALL of you would take a moment and tell everyone that's been following this thread more about your photo. Where was it taken? How was it taken? Is there any story to go along with the photo? I, personally, would love to know more about every entry. With that being said, here are your top photos for "Seeing Red":

Third Place: @Apple_Glen_UK
Second Place: @piatigorsky
First Place: @_timo_redux_

Thanks, again!
@platigorsky: This is fascinating. I haven't used a film camera since the 80s and was never so fortunate as to learn to develop (or have a place to do so) film. Did you create this specifically for this contest theme? I am anxious to hear about how you achieved this look. In terms of this contest it certainly fits the theme! Very nice.
First of all, thanks for another podium finish!

This entry happened to be a coincidence. I've been fooling around with reverse processing negative film recently, which means producing a positive image on what is supposed to be negative film. I won't go into too much detail over here, since I already explained how I did it in a post on the film photography thread, however the examples I posted in that thread were from a roll of the new Harman Phoenix film, which is unique for color negative films in that it has a clear base. Conventional color negative films generally have an orange-colored base when directly viewed (when making prints off of the film, the color cast is then corrected in the photo enlarger using color filters), which is what leads to the reddish hue in my entry; for this, I put the film on a light box and photographed just this one frame using a Panasonic GH5 camera and an Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f/2.8 Macro lens, then fooled around with contrast and brightness a bit to make it look more red. In addition, the film I used over here was a roll of Kodak Vision3 500T movie film—the "T" stands for "tungsten", meaning that this film stock is intended for shooting under warm-toned tungsten lighting, and the emulsion compensates for this by deliberately producing a cooler tone in the image. Below is a wider image of the developed roll (which shows the orange hue), and a color-corrected scan of this particular frame.

Also, I might add, it's a common misconception that you need a darkroom to develop film—actually you only need a changing bag to take the film out of the canister and load it into the development tank, after which everything can be done with lights on; I've heard of people loading film into development tanks under a heavy blanket or under several layers of black garbage bags. Darkrooms are used to make prints with light-sensitive photo paper; although I do have a darkroom and do make prints now and then, for the most part I'm satisfied with simply scanning my film.

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@coolguy4747 : I love the atmosphere this photo exudes; it draws you in. At first glance I thought it was a movie theatre lobby but now that I look more closely I don't think it is. Hopefully you will tell us all more about this photo and where it was taken. The red is subtle, but I can't think of any other color that would work like the red does. It reminds me of the colors of a room that the men would retire to for a brandy and a cigar in times of yore (they don't still do that, do they?). The moody colors with the bright lights really work together to make an appealing shot. Nice!

Love reading your thoughts on the images. This was taken last summer at the House on the Rock in southern Wisconsin. It's a fascinating place featuring massive collections of just about everything. This section did seem to be designed to look like a theatre lobby, or at least that's how I interpreted it as well. The red doesn't feel so subtle in real life 😆
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@mollyc : Your photography is always a treat for the eyes. Red Chinese lanterns between the darker surroundings really make them pop and makes it an excellent choice for this theme. I love the POV, the imperfect spacing of the lanterns that appear to blend into one solid mass as you follow them into the bottom center of the photo. I also note that there are red posts along both sides of the street; are those lights on top of them? Beautiful work.
I don't really shoot a lot of red things so didn't even think I'd enter this contest, then remembered this scene. We came across it while wandering through London earlier this year. I have a couple of film images and a couple of digital images, and the reds on the film ones are just so striking. So this was a film entry.
@_timo_redux_ : I love this. TBH part of it could be because I'm partial to redheaded little girls because my granddaughter is one, but it's also a great representation of the theme with the red hair and the red umbrella. It's really a very nice portrait.
Yes, the red-headed little girl is my daughter, though no longer of course a little girl. It is a favorite portrait; I remember being pleased at the time that I could color correct enough such that the red of the umbrella didn't overwhelm the skin tone ... and I remember taking the picture in a light drizzle, at the edge of a park near our house.

Years later now the portrait is memorable for me differently. The umbrella was a gift to her from Berlin -- Ampelmann -- the sight of which now reminds me of the terrific trip to Germany I made back then to celebrate a cousin's upcoming nuptials. Discomfort with the extravagance of such a long journey for a seemingly trivial cause has long given way to appreciation for the memories of that trip, and also the knowledge of just how many things are available only in their time, and cannot be returned to.

And that's the old saw about photography: make the picture now because you won't be able to return to time and place, to make the picture just as you first saw it. In the portrait of my daughter she's wearing her hair in a tight braid; her caregiver would carefully and consistently do up my daughter's hair just as she had done up her own daughter's hair. So the umbrella, the father-daughter outing together, the braid, the caregiver, the Finnish dress my daughter's wearing: all is of its time; my free-spirit daughter now has moved on from the dress and umbrella and braids and even the edge of the park, as she should, and must.

New contest up: SOLSTICE
Okay..this was tough. I'm kind of regretting choosing such a broad theme. The entries are all great photographs so I had to dig deep in terms of "judging." I studied each entry carefully and what follows is the thought-vomit that each photo invoked.

@Strider64 : A beautiful picture with all the right elements that make a photograph great. There is no doubt the subject is red and this subject is sharp and well-composed. Lovely shot.

@lkalliance : Love the POV of this photo...the sky, the clouds, the buildings. You can't miss the red building and I like that there is also red in the tile(?) walkway leading into the center. Very creative to think to go stand where you did in order to capture this. The reflection in the window to the right is an additional bonus.

@oblomow : I love how you've chosen a photo where red is apparent in so many ways. The sign across the tracks is red-striped as well as the focal point. The small things matter! Being from the USA, I've never seen a railroad sign such as this. Is the sign with 20 on it a speed limit sign or does it have something to do with the railway?

@platigorsky: This is fascinating. I haven't used a film camera since the 80s and was never so fortunate as to learn to develop (or have a place to do so) film. Did you create this specifically for this contest theme? I am anxious to hear about how you achieved this look. In terms of this contest it certainly fits the theme! Very nice.

@arkitect : Great shot with the bright red door in the midst of all the earth tones. When I put my story to this photo, the young lady walking past is deep into some music she is listening to on her AirPods (the bit of white near her ear could be earrings or something else, but to me they are AirPods). The red door definitely stands out and is perfect for this contest theme.

@_timo_redux_ : I love this. TBH part of it could be because I'm partial to redheaded little girls because my granddaughter is one, but it's also a great representation of the theme with the red hair and the red umbrella. It's really a very nice portrait.

@yey365 : Wow! I'm anxious to know where this was taken. Is it inside a church? The POV is amazing and the colors are beautiful. Very nice work!

@Chuckeee : When I first saw this entry and read your description, I was reminded of what I say to myself as I peruse the daily Explore photos on Flickr: "Show me something different!". Many lovely, well-shot photos, but so much of the same things. This is SO different and I love what you've done. Even your pup's name is about red! Great creativity!

@Apple_Glen_UK : When I first saw your photo I thought about how many people were "seeing red" when you took this shot. I've seen (and taken) a lot of firework photos and some grab you and some don't...this is a grabber and perfect for this week's theme. I love that the smoke is red and that all the red is accented with the white bursts. Excellent choice for this theme.

@OldMacs4Me : Red is my favorite color for a vehicle. I've only owned one in my lifetime, but I notice them when I'm on the road. Your neighbor Edmund has done a beautiful job in restoring this pickup and you've chosen a great subject for this contest theme!

@coolguy4747 : I love the atmosphere this photo exudes; it draws you in. At first glance I thought it was a movie theatre lobby but now that I look more closely I don't think it is. Hopefully you will tell us all more about this photo and where it was taken. The red is subtle, but I can't think of any other color that would work like the red does. It reminds me of the colors of a room that the men would retire to for a brandy and a cigar in times of yore (they don't still do that, do they?). The moody colors with the bright lights really work together to make an appealing shot. Nice!

@mollyc : Your photography is always a treat for the eyes. Red Chinese lanterns between the darker surroundings really make them pop and makes it an excellent choice for this theme. I love the POV, the imperfect spacing of the lanterns that appear to blend into one solid mass as you follow them into the bottom center of the photo. I also note that there are red posts along both sides of the street; are those lights on top of them? Beautiful work.

So I had my winners chosen...and then I did some thinking and changed my mind. I had to remember this is a photography contest with a theme. "Duh" you say, but I got off track initially. I honed in on the contest and theme, gave the photos another look and came up with three for the podium. Only one of them had I previously chosen.

Thanks again for everyone who participated; all the entries are great photographs as such as I've come to expect participating in this forum. I hope that ALL of you would take a moment and tell everyone that's been following this thread more about your photo. Where was it taken? How was it taken? Is there any story to go along with the photo? I, personally, would love to know more about every entry. With that being said, here are your top photos for "Seeing Red":

Third Place: @Apple_Glen_UK
Second Place: @piatigorsky
First Place: @_timo_redux_

Thanks, again!
This was the underground cisterns in Instanbul - a bucket-list location and featured in both 'From Russia With Love' (James Bond - second Sean Connery movie) and more recently in the Tom Hanks movie, 'Inferno'. Awesome location.
@oblomow : I love how you've chosen a photo where red is apparent in so many ways. The sign across the tracks is red-striped as well as the focal point. The small things matter! Being from the USA, I've never seen a railroad sign such as this. Is the sign with 20 on it a speed limit sign or does it have something to do with the railway?
It's indeed a speed limit. 20Km/hour.
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