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Expos of 1969

Original poster
Aug 25, 2013
The topic this week is "Living Amidst Decay".

Life, traditions and processes carry on in the face of problems and chaos.

Contest ends September 2 at 12 noon Helsinki time or GMT 0900.

Please remember that these standard rules apply:

  • Do not comment, vote, react or click “like” on images prior to the winners being announced. In keeping with our most recent tradition, violators may be awarded first place. Henceforth this shall be known as the Molly-ing rule in honour of our friend and fellow perpetrator.
  • The photographs must be your own work.
  • This contest runs for one week. If in doubt, please check the title or description.
  • At the end of the week, The Judge will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline, then last week's 2nd place has to step in. 3rd place takes over should 2nd place be similarly unable to officiate.
  • The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create a new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.

A sample of this week's theme...

Is this a new rule? People have often swapped out before.
I was reading the rules and it doesn't say "You are not allowed to change it back". Previously, I have also noticed many people changing their minds and posting a new photo a few days later. As long you submit your entry before the deadline that is all it matters, right? It's all good tho, it is what it is.
Is this a new rule? People have often swapped out before.
I do not make the rules. I assumed that swapping is not allowed as it makes little sense to me to allow it. If given 2 free throws in basketball can you tell the ref you will take 2 more as you did not like your first 2? Not the same I appreciate but still.
I do not make the rules. I assumed that swapping is not allowed as it makes little sense to me to allow it. If given 2 free throws in basketball can you tell the ref you will take 2 more as you did not like your first 2? Not the same I appreciate but still.
I think that's something that needs to be specified by the host then when the theme is announced, because we have always had swap outs for as long as I have been participating.
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I think that's something that needs to be specified by the host then when the theme is announced, because we have always had swap outs for as long as I have been participating.
Fair enough. Swap away. :)
FWIW I've always viewed it as attempting to find the best photo I have that fits the topic. Never had a problem with others swapping out as long as it comes in under the bell. Generally I don't although I attribute that to an innate character flaw called laziness.

Also FWIW. I'm always flattered should I place anywhere on the podium, but never insulted if the judge likes someone elses work better. At the end of the week I'm always delighted to view some really good and sometimes even great images.
Thanks very much to all who entered this weeks contest. I enjoyed reviewing all the submissions. As I am a rank amateur my comments may be off base in some or all cases, but you get what you pay for ;)

An example of people surviving in abject surroundings. Perhaps a bit too similar to the sample provided?

An interesting perspective shot of youthful activity in the concrete city. More evidence of decay may have helped the image.

Not sure how to interpret this shot. The intent may have been to show what likely is a person under the blanket living amidst decay but the surroundings do not exhibit decay (at least to me). Or the intent may have been to show that the approaching woman is living amidst decay personified by the person lying in the middle of the sidewalk. Putting the intent aside, perhaps making the manhole cover in the foreground somewhat less prominent may make a better photo.

A colourful shot showing that nature's perseverance and long developed skills ensure that some form of life can emerge where rot has taken the previous occupant.

A nice shot of what appears to be fungal growth taking advantage of the breeding ground offered up by the dead or dying tree trunk.

I am thinking that the fire hydrant is still in working condition in spite of it needing a good scraping and paint job.

A sunlit burial plot for a few vehicles long past their prime. A probably still working truck and piece of equipment keep their distance, possibly averting their gaze from their future.

And the winners are:

In 3rd place...
An interesting shot of an old truck which has been out of commission for quite some time but which is currently hosting a nest for likely numerous packrats. Life goes on despite the rusted hulk of man's machine.

In 2nd place...
@CK Williams
A very colourful shot of a rusted relic from the past with a healthy looking tree making its presence know from the car trunk. Due to the chain link fence, neat stones and vibrant red wall, it seems it may be part of an art exhibit.

and 1st place goes to...
Numerous trees seem to have emerged and are now the life force dominating the roofline of the once stately home or school.
Thanks very much to all who entered this weeks contest. I enjoyed reviewing all the submissions. As I am a rank amateur my comments may be off base in some or all cases, but you get what you pay for ;)
Thanks Expos for the topic and feedback on a nice collection of photos!!

As for mine, it is the namesake for the Savoy Auto Museum in Cartersville GA. This Savoy was found on the property where the museum sits.
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Wow, thank you very much for picking me @Expos of 1969 and judging in general. Congratulation to all the others - we saw many great pictures. 👍

My picture was taken around Berlin/ Germany (Heilstätten) and this area was formerly a Hospital. It was known for the very good air around it (large forests are in that area) so that patients recover their lungs and so on…

I will come back later with a new topic!
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