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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
For the theme of this weeks contest, I have decided upon A Riot of Colour as the theme.

I want bright, loud, cheery, colourful imagery this week, to help soothe away the grey cloudy days down under as we slip into Winter...

Enjoy the theme and have fun with it!

  • Be creative and have fun.
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.
  • The contest runs for one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread.)
  • At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).


macrumors regular
Mar 14, 2015
West side of Oz


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
This weeks contest will be closing in about an hour or so. This is your last chance to get an entry in! :)


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
Okay folks, this weeks contest is now closed. I'll be back with the verdict within a few hours.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
First off, I have to say thanks to the participants of this weeks contest, you all helped to make our grey days be more bearable! :cool:

My comments and thoughts about each image are simple compared to last weeks exquisite feedback. :(

@RedOctober You met and exceeded the brief! What a way to start the contest! Fabulous image of some fabulous glass.

@needfx A new weight loss product? You certainly have plenty of vibrancy there.

View attachment 631292

View from my back deck a few years ago. It seemed like the sky was on fire.
@glenthompson Lots of intense colour in this sky.

View attachment 631350

Part of the "China Lights" display at the New Orleans Botanical Gardens.
@CE3 The display looks amazing! Such vivid colours too! Puts our local Moon Lantern Festival to shame...

South Street Seaport Cafe, New York

View attachment 631403
@inkmich Nicely spotted and captured.

@pmxperience I asked for a riot of colour and you have certainly delivered the goods here! I like the fact that your chosen point of focus is the guy in the denim jacket and baseball cap.

@CmdrLaForge There's some really nice vibrant Autumn tones in that tree in the background, which contrasts nicely against the lively greens of the foreground tree.

Yet another that delivered the goods this week! Way to make my job harder folks! I gather they are fishing lures under glass, with sprayed water on top?

Old City Jerusalem Shop

Old City, Jerusalem by

Our Family Pics
, on Flickr
@Indydenny Such a rich tapestry of colour here! The addition of the guy using his mobile adds to the scene nicely. I'm a tactile sort and a stall like this would have me man-handling the goods, to get a feel of them.

by Hugh Russell, on Flickr

Sony NEX-6, Jupiter-8 @ f/5.6, with BDB +2 dioptre close-up filter

Cheers :)

@Hughmac We must be kindred spirits! I thought to myself "what would I do to enter this contest" and came up with the same idea! This one's choc full of colour!

@tallazzPilipino I found the mirror and door frame distracting from the mural, which is certainly vibrant and a riot of colour.

@someoldguy You captured vibrancy, colour and a cool scene! I'm all for escapism with a good book!

@triptolemus That's a beautiful day-lily (I think it's a day-lily) with wonderful intense pinks to it.

On to the subjective stuff, the judging, that is.

Honourable mentions have to go to @Hughmac @pmxperience @CE3 and @Robotti

3rd - @someoldguy
2nd - @RedOctober
1st - @Indydenny

So, over to you @Indydenny for the next weeks contest! Congratulations! :cool:


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Excellent contest, and one where I enjoyed the cheerful entries.

Thanks , too, to @Alexander.Of.Oz for coming up with such a genuinely engaging theme.

And, yes, as it happens, the three images that I whispered 'wow' when first seeing them, are the three winners.

Loved @Indydenny's picture - I have been in such carpet shops and markets myself in Asia, and the Caucasus, and the colour is always mesmeric while the wares overawe you with their splendour.

I must say that I really liked @someoldguy's picture - what a cheerful, charming and uplifting image; just looking at it puts a grin on your face.

And, from the minute I laid eyes on it, I thought that @RedOctober's terrific shot was a pitch perfect interpretation of the topic 'a Riot Of Colour'.

Well done one and all; a lovely contest.
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