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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 12, 2011
Welcome to this week's photo contest thread.

Theme: Connect

Looking for photos of a physical connection being made (or about to be). The image of two train cars heading toward each other on the same track comes to mind, though more graceful connections will be viewed with equal value.

1. Please submit only one photo per contest.

2. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

3. The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

4. At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

5. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

* To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread *

(P.S. This is my first new thread, so if I need to add tags or something, please let me know)
Picture of my son and his best friend on their last school trip together. After photo was taken my son's friend moved to another province some 1200km away. Yes they still connect. Just an amateur photog here, thought I would give it a try.


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I was honored to capture my good friend propose to his girlfriend. This lighting situation was a nightmare, and really had me wishing for a full-frame DSLR. Soon maybe...

by drtruett, on Flickr
Ferries connecting European and Asian side of Istanbul.


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Sorry everyone. I had hoped to have this done earlier, but ended up doing some unexpected travel. I'll share some of my impressions once I can connect to WiFi again, but for now here are the top 3:

3rd Place: jkramerbob
On top of the connections presented in the image, there is something about the perspective/point of view that makes me feel like i myself am connecting with the image.

2nd Place: MacRy
When I first looked at this image, I saw the overhanging sign and thought of a public transit connection. Then I noticed the two figures walking towards each other at the end of the tunnel. Great fit to the theme, and I feel it connects me somewhat with street photography, for which I don't have much experience.

1st Place: Elbert C
I'm not sure I've ever looked upon two "plants" touching each other and thought of them as embracing. I'm half convinced they share an emotional connection (though I'm pretty sure plants can't do that), and I feel emotionally connected to the image because of it. I never thought I would connect with nature in such a way.

Wonderful images, everyone! I hope I did ok on my first judging. It really helped me to think of what it is about a photo that makes t enjoyable. Sometimes a perfect fit to a theme, sometimes an unexpected link to the viewer's past, and sometimes it's some quality that just can't be identified that makes it so great. Thank you for helping me connect more to photography.

On to you, Elbert C!
Sorry everyone. I had hoped to have this done earlier, but ended up doing some unexpected travel. I'll share some of my impressions once I can connect to WiFi again, but for now here are the top 3:

3rd Place: jkramerbob

On top of the connections presented in the image, there is something about the perspective/point of view that makes me feel like i myself am connecting with the image.

2nd Place: MacRy

When I first looked at this image, I saw the overhanging sign and thought of a public transit connection. Then I noticed the two figures walking towards each other at the end of the tunnel. Great fit to the theme, and I feel it connects me somewhat with street photography, for which I don't have much experience.

1st Place: Elbert C

I'm not sure I've ever looked upon two "plants" touching each other and thought of them as embracing. I'm half convinced they share an emotional connection (though I'm pretty sure plants can't do that), and I feel emotionally connected to the image because of it. I never thought I would connect with nature in such a way.

Wonderful images, everyone! I hope I did ok on my first judging. It really helped me to think of what it is about a photo that makes t enjoyable. Sometimes a perfect fit to a theme, sometimes an unexpected link to the viewer's past, and sometimes it's some quality that just can't be identified that makes it so great. Thank you for helping me connect more to photography.

On to you, Elbert C!

Thanks for the feedback and the second place. I'm glad you got the two connections as that was what was intended.

Congrats to the other winners.
Congrats winners, well done!! I guessed 2/3 winners this week :D

sorry for spamming, but there's also another contest going on, come on over and breathe some life into it!! so many visits, so very few votes :(
Congratulations Elbert C for a great shot and a big well done to all and thank you to Neur0genesis...great job judging.

~ Peter
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