pmxperience Great example of the energy that people have. Im assuming that the green is stage lighting and not a pp treatment which makes this shot very good indeed. I would have liked to see just a touch more of her face though as its her expression thats really conveying the energy.
gasworks Interesting shot gasworks and I hadnt thought of magnetic energy. I love the shallow depth of field and beautiful bokeh. I wonder how the shot would have looked if the lighting was in front and really punching-up the reflections on the ball.
twitch31 Wow this shot works so well for this theme and any other. I kept coming back to this one thinking it reminded me of some cheesy 1960s sci-fi flick where the aliens are landing in the middle of a small town summer fair. A very different perspective twitch31 and I love it!
fireman32 Talking about summer fairs
this has to be the energy of a carnival ride. Great neon look fireman32 that is slightly obstructed by the fence/barrier at the bottom right.
Schtumple Schtumple, your shots always have your Schtumple feel to them thats very cool. Id be interested to know how you get that signature look and feel. This is a great shot that conveys not only the energy of the sparklers but your energy as well. Really nice shot!
Apple fanboy Ahhhh
you didnt disappoint AFB fire is an amazing display of energy and very photogenic. Youve done a great job of capturing that energy with a nice minimalist perspective that appeals to me. One small point on composition is that I would like to see how the shot looks with the match leaning into the frame. I could be wrong about that though and would need to see the shots side by side. Well done AFB.
NeGRit0 This has to be Vegas where the energy never stops. Great colour combination with the red, blue and white against the very clean black background. Not an easy composition but you pulled it off and I like it a lot.
someoldguy Like many of us, Ive seen shots like this many times and they just never get old or tired and I WANT ONE OF MY OWN! Of course, there is no greater source of energy than that of our sun. The focused shaft of sun-light against the sculpted rock and sand is just beautiful and has the appearance of the energy from a laser. Im jealous.
jkramerbob Next to our sun, I cant imagine a greater source of energy than the cumulative total energy contained in 11 teenage girls. This is a very cool shot and so well captured. Did you get this in one take? The only thing holding this shot back ever so slightly is the feet and legs of the people behind the girls.
needfx Loved the video needfx. With the fast pace and lighting, it clearly demonstrated energy. As a single still image, I dont think it works quite as well as it looks too staged.
imac wannabe There has to be a ton of energy here and youve captured it very well imac wannabe. I really like the white and amber colours against the black. I might have cloned-out the small red lights on the right but thats just my anal tendencies speaking. I like it.
Neur0genesis Next to the sun and teenage girls, the energy at an NHL game is incredible. Great interpretation of the theme Neur0genesis but come-on
the Penquins???
PhillyAnt I have to say PhillyAnt that I dont see much of a display of energy here other than possibly energy consumption. Nice shot of the building though.
Team Timm Great shot Team Timm. A fun really shot with his four feet completely off the ground. He looks like he has as much energy as my dog. Too bad this wasnt in the park or a field someplace as the fence, although blurred, does take away from the shot a bit.
Puckman - OK
youve got your guy nicely isolated in the park but Im guessing that you were shooting into the sun and that has caused some washed-out highlights. Id like to see Team Timms dog in your park.
Laird Knox And last but not least
a lighting shot! Until today, I was disappointed that one hadnt been put-up yet
thanks Jeff. I still havent been able to get one of these for myself so now Im jealous of both someoldguy and you. Seriously, very well done Jeff and I love the bluish-purple tint to the sky.
Here we go with a really, really, and I do mean really, tough call
3rd Place goes to Schtumple
2nd Place goes to twitch31, and the winner this week is