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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 13, 2007
Weekly Photo Contest: October 29 to November 5 - Urban Nature

Welcome to this week's photo contest thread!

Theme: Urban Nature

Nature in rural environments offers a very warming feeling, as though everything is ok, life is flourishing.

In the city it's a different matter, nature struggles to break through for various reasons.


1. Be creative and have fun.

2. Please submit only one photo per contest.

3. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

4. The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

5. At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner - me) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

6. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread
Nature overtaking an old WWII military bunker overlooking San Francisco (feel free to use as a wallpaper if you'd like!)


  • DSC_1111.jpg
    2.7 MB · Views: 229
Wood comes from nature right??? There's a leaf in the shot too!!

Bit of a half-arsed entry but it made me smile!

Toad on Road

Came across this toad minding it's own business on the pavement outside our house.
A heavy crop from a Galaxy phone camera.

Cheers :)



  • Toad.jpg
    367 KB · Views: 146
River in the town of Ribeira Grande. It has a much more substantial flow in the autumn and winter, when it rains more, but shot here in August, it just struggles to survive.

Hey everyone, had a two unfortunate emergencies to deal with today. Life...

I like the intense warm tones on this one but feel a little processing could've brought out some extra details.

Fantastic wide shot! Smacks of fibonacci framing (a personal favourite), muted tones work to suggest the decay with the brighter colours featured elsewhere.

A seemingly busy shot at first glance, I found my eye nicely wandering up the path to the background buildings. Greens are especially overtly vibrant.

I enjoyed the minimalism of this macro and appreciate the shot not suffering from a razor thin DOF. Colour tones work well but the protruding circle at the top is a little distracting after an initial viewing.

Dark and gritty B&W always works well to re-enforce that feeling of struggle or realism, the slightly broken dandelion is a marvel to stare at. The BG houses are a great position for fibonacci framing.

Very much enjoyed staring at the empty space of this shot, the muted tones really help re-enforce the emptiness too, I'd enjoy knowing the processing behind this.

Perfectly surreal. Your composites never fail to impress!

HDR processing? The detail on this is lovely, my eye was drawn all over different coloured areas.

Nice and vibrant with a clear rule of thirds framing, I feel a little processing would've really brought out something a little extra on this shot.

imac wannabe
This has to be the first drone shot I've come across on MR! The angle is great, the framing did leave me wondering what to look at, still found myself staring at this one for a while though, very interesting overall.

The canal boat weirdly makes this one for me, without it I feel it wouldn't have been as good. What lens/camera was this shot using?

I am a sucker for photos of these kind of buildings. I have to ask what your reasoning for B&W was? A slightly wider shot might've given a little extra scope to the scale of the building and its surroundings but nonetheless I was fixated by the architecture.

The bizarreness of this made me smile. What was this shot on out of interest?

Intense macro! For something shot on a smartphone the quality is great but it does suffer a little from that hallmark clinical digital processing.

I enjoyed the colour tones all over this shot but the background feels a little busy overall. It's nice to see fall in action, always offers great washes of yellows, oranges and browns.

Off camera flash? Colour removal works as expected and the heavy contrast on the BG only enforces that struggle of nature.

Apple fanboy
Holy wide-angle distortion batman! Fish eye adaptor or....? Great framing slap bang in the centre on this one, my eye definitely dotted around on this picking out the other interesting visuals present.

I really liked the colours, framing in this, the only critique I have is that sky, which I guess you can't really do anything about overall but try toning down blues and upping contrast and clarity of cloudy spaces, often brings out more rewarding results.

So, this has to be the processing of a VSCO preset? Tonal range of the blues works wonderfully with the burnt orange of the leaf.

This almost resembles a painting over a photo! Water ripples are enjoyable, what was causing their movement?

Dragonflies always offer great macros when they sit still for long enough. The interestingness could've definitely been improved with a little processing of the shadows and to bring out the red and turquoise dominant colours.

This screams adventure awaits! To be a bird in the city must be intense at the best of times... Colours, contrast, framing all brilliantly executed on this shot.

Lots of variations on the contest brief shown this week! It was hard picking out 3 that I enjoyed the most given everything that everybody threw into the mix!

1. AlexH
2. colorspace
3. truettray

See you all for next weeks contest!
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