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macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 18, 2016
This week I would like everyone to think about their photography as an artist and show me your Voice. What is Voice? It's what you want to say in a photo, and how you approach shooting, and it is woven in amongst every photo you take. Some images are stronger in your Voice than others, and some images are just to document (occasionally these overlap). I want to see a single photo that you feel best represents you as an artist. (If you don't feel like you have a Voice in your photography [but everyone does], then you can show me a more literal interpretation of "voice.")

Standard rules apply:
  • Do not comment, vote, react or click “like” on images prior to the winners being announced.
  • The photographs must be your own work.
  • You may only submit one photo per contest but you can point the members at the internet for a contextual bio image to illustrate your mimicry.
  • This contest runs for one week. If in doubt, check the dates in the title.
  • At the end of the week, The Judge will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline, then last week's 2nd place has to step in. 3rd place takes over should 2nd place be similarly unable to officiate.
  • The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create a new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends at the evening of October 16th. I'll try to give warning before closing. 🙂

I can't speak, there's a hair in my mouth.

(Nordic voice in the UK.)
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When I got my first SLR, a Canon EOS-something, in 1999, I got into photography in a somewhat serious way. Bought the how-to books and studied them, ordered dozens of rolls of negative and positive film, and got up early on the weekends to go out and shoot the world around me. Most of the good stuff (what little there is) is on slides and essentially never looked at.

My “voice” morphed into recording my life, most specifically, because I’m always taking the photos, the lives of people I care about and people I have met alone the way, many of whom didn’t know I was photographing them.

My entry is probably my most favorite photo as it captures the personality of each family member at that point in their life.

Great Idea. A contest that pushes us to look within. I know that my skills do not extend to portraiture or wild life. My little waterproof camera is certainly at its best with close-ups, and I do enjoy that aspect. Often my images revolve around mountains, water and-or reflections. I could have entered something from those realms. I also love creating panoramic images. However cameras and software currently do an admirable job of instant stitching, unlike my earlier panoramas which sometimes took hours to stitch by hand.

However there is one thing I do, which is at least somewhat unique. That is stereo images. As much as I enjoy this aspect of photography, I seldom post them here as they require more viewing effort than many viewers are willing to expend. Because of the small size of the final image you can use almost any camera. This parallel stereo image is of a Box Elder tree in downtown Buena Vista, CO. Taken in June of 2012, with an Olympus Tough 3000 P&S camera. Viewing instructions here:
Good viewing distance may start as far away as 3 feet. Once you have the stereo effect you can then slowly lean in closer while carefully maintaining the stereo effect.
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Video voiceover - my voice, literally.

On this video hiking a local trail, the audio track was unusable due to nearby road construction noise and walking the gravel trail was crunch, crunch, crunch with each step. While that track was silenced, there will be two active background and periodic voiceover to add detailed information specific to that point on the trail. There are 3 clips that retain the original audio - Welcome, Trail Overview, and Summary, but I was on camera.

Assembled in Final Cut Pro X with script written in Word for recording dialog.

video 2500p.jpg
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Okay, I am really sorry for the delay. Sometimes when you get picked to be a judge the dates don't quite align with previous plans, and yesterday my family and I had already planned a day trip for apple picking in the mountains. I appreciate you waiting for me!

It was an interesting assortment of entries this week; I'd hoped for a few more introspective images, really showing me your soul in your photographs, but I know not everyone recessarily shoots that way. I do think it's very important to cultivate a personal voice in art, however. But that said, I did give an alternate interpretation, so thanks to all for participating!

Here we go:

@Hughmac: a lovely little songbird, I like the red coloring against the other neutral colors. seems a wee bit soft, but I know how hard bird photos are.

@oblomow: I clicked your link to see what this guy is. But the link shows they are chess pieces, and this seems larger than life? Interesting carving nonetheless

@katbel: a photographer after my own heart. I would shoot skies every day if I could see them where I live.

@peter329: a very sweet portrait, great eye contact. i think the focus is ever so slightly off to her shoulder, but the tones are lovely normally i'm a stickler for watching the edges of the frame and cropping intentionally, but somehow I really like the kind of chaotic effect here; it seems to fit the overall mood of the image.

@LiE_: this is one where I do mind those slightly missed fingers at the bottom of the frame, especially since you have so much room at the top. But I love the negative space and the peaceful feeling here.

@AllergyDoc: I love that you thought about the theme this week and chose accordingly. Your subjects are well positioned in the light and the background is lovely.

@malofx: another stunning location, what joy on the groom! I might like to see this in a 4:5 crop just to get rid of some of the blown sky, but I hope the couple has this framed and hanging somewhere in their house.

@Laird Knox: I know this image definitely represents your voice because I see you post similar images over time. I love that it is so unique to you and how you shoot.

@OldMacs4Me: Another interesting entry, and thanks for considering the actual topic. Unfortunately I cannot see stereoscopic images, and never have been able to. As a kid I would use a Viewmaster toy with the wheel of photos and always close one eye because the images never lined up properly. I wish I could see this as intended ( but of course, you had no way of knowing, and most people can see these)

@kecklund: a literal interpretation of the challenge, you have used the available light very well and the moment and tones are quite lovely and effective

@Janichsan: Honk indeed, the viewer does have the impression of hearing him squawk.

@soulreaver99: those are some sharp teeth for such a small animal. I do think the focus is just a bit off, falling to some of the carpet fringes instead of the cat's head.

@dmb8021: Wow that background is awesome with the colors and compression. I'd love to see a bit more detail brushed into the tree where he is hiding, but overall this is a lovely composition and focus (and you played the theme game)

@tizeye: that is quite a setup! Video stuff is so over my head on how to do this, so I am suitably impressed

And drumroll.....................

3rd: @katbel

2nd: @dmb8021 & @Laird Knox

1st: @AllergyDoc
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Thanks for your kind comments; yes it is a little soft because I saw the bird from our kitchen and grabbed the nearest camera with a decent focal length, and it was the Panasonic DMC-FZ1000 with the 1" sensor.

Congrats to the well deserved podium placements.

Cheers :)

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Thanks for your comments and your judging. Congrats to the podium people.

The image is indeed a statue. Since the original chess pieces where taken to London and Edinburgh, they placed statues near the beach where they were found (on Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland)
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