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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 16, 2005
This just started today. When I wake or restart my computer, it sounds like it has a little motor running inside it for about five minutes, and then it stops and everything is fine. Three or four times now, it's done this. Any ideas?
Fans? Nah. I've heard many noises from my computer, but this one is like nothing I've ever experienced in the six months I've had my computer. Sounds like a little motor, not a whirring, but more of a lower compressed noise.Hard to explain. But it DOES go away after a few minutes every time.

Is there somewhere I could find and listen to an mp3--or whatever--of typical hard drive failure noises? I'm thinking--no, it's something else, but just to make sure..:rolleyes:
maybe a fan motor has gone wrong - anyhow time to call apple

HDD failures sound like a scratching noise very distinctive
I can't think of anywhere to get an MP3 of a hard drive failing but to add to what liketom said, they also click. Also, it happens when the hard drive is being used whereas your problems are only during start/wake up. I don't think this is a hard drive issue at this stage. :)

Does it still make this noise if you start up in Safe Mode?
Ok. I thought of a better way to descibe this noise. It sounds distinctly like a film projector, but at the volume level of the CPUs normal hum.

It doesn't do it every startup, now, but still most of the time. And it still lasts only about five minutes and then just stops.

And Yes, I just tried booting in safe mode and the noise occurred.

I appreciate all the help!!
I have the ATI Radeon 9600.

Maybe I can open up the casing and power up to get a better sense of where it's coming from...
My Dell desktop did something similar and they replaced it for free!!!

Manav_(2475630005): OK, just shut down the computer and leave it off. A refurbished computer of the same model (2400) is on the way.
Is it still under AppleCare? call them, you'll probably have to ship it in.

notice any slow downs etc at all?

reset the NVRAM, PMU, and PRAM?
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