So I got a set of delided 5960 CPUs. I can either CPU to work as long as it is inserted in Socket A. I have tested both in Socket A and either will work as long as it is in Socket A. if I install a second CPU in Socket The system doesn't post. the light comes on but no tone or post. if I boot with only a CPU in socket A I also only see half of the ram banks. I figure that this is prolly normal but wanted to bring it up anyway. Also I know that both CPU sockets are working as I have reinstalled the original CPUs and I'm on the system right now talking to you.
So I know this:
Any ideas?
So I know this:
- Both 5960 CPUs work "even if only in socket A"
- Both sockets work
- with 5960 CPUs in both sockets post fails
- I can re-install original CPUs and system works fine
Any ideas?