I'd be surprised. I was truly holding out for better OpenGL Core support. As it stands, 4.0 should be fully implemented. Although I am glad they "fixed" Exposé. With "TotalSpaces" bringing 10.5/6 "Spaces" into OS X 10.7/8, this will be a decent update.
Still a few open bugs I received specific emails from that are open. One specifically addresses a known bug in "Contacts". The "Edit" button seems to come and go, breaking the ability to edit contacts in OS X. Only recourse is logging out and in.
This is a courtesy email regarding Bug ID# XXXXXXXX.
Engineering has requested the following information in order to further investigate this issue:
Can you provide a movie and system logs for iCloud account?
Please enable these defaults in Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.AddressBook.CardDAVPlugin EnableDebug -bool YES
defaults write com.apple.AddressBook.CardDAVPlugin LogConnectionDetails -bool YES
defaults write -g ABMigrationLogEnabled -bool YES
Then relaunch Address Book and see if you can reproduce the problem. If so, then attach ~/Library/Logs/CardDAVPlugIn. Then you'll want to turn off the logging.
To get to ~/Library you may need to run
chflags no hidden ~/Library at Terminal
defaults write com.apple.AddressBook.CardDAVPlugin EnableDebug -bool NO
defaults write com.apple.AddressBook.CardDAVPlugin LogConnectionDetails -bool NO
defaults write -g ABMigrationLogEnabled -bool NO
There are a few others as well. Hope this is addressed.