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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 26, 2009
So with the rumor of the new iPhone coming out in a month or so, I figured I would be nice and replace the semi-scuffed back cover on my iPhone with a new one I ordered, so it looks oh so nice. I prepped the operating table last night, ready to perform the phonegery (phone surgery), and got most of the way done. I then looked at the replacement back cover I purchased, and noticed some of the screw holes didn't have metal fasteners to hold the screws (aka they would just slip out). Well wth. So I started attempting a put-back-together operation. Oh my god. What was I thinking?

The screws are about the size of sperm, so its impossible to get the darn things on the end of the screwdriver. Then there are so many parts, and augh. Well I finally got everything in order after a few tantrums and a couple hours of swearing at myself, pressed power, saw the Apple logo :)D), then the screen went white and shut off. Crap. Mind you I hadn't yet snapped the thing completely together yet, so I wiggled some ribbon cables, nothing. Toggled the vibrate switch, and it buzzed. Plugged it in, and it made the *connect* sound. So the thing is functional. BUT the screen is now not showing anything. Crap.

To make matters worse, I have no replacement phone. I gave my mom my old Razr after I got my iPhone EDGE. So now I am phoneless, and it is a total craptastic feeling.

So what do I do? Send it to a repair place for a $50 eval and repair + $ for parts, just sell it as a parts iPhone (which I dont want to do because if some yoyo gets it working, they have access to all my personal data), or just sit on it until the new one comes out and replace it temporarily with a crappy phone? I qualify for a 2 year contract renewal with AT&T right now, so I could head into a store and leave 5 minutes later with a new phone, but I really want that new iPhone and its sooooo close.

I am stupid. Case in point, do not attempt self repairs.
If it's just the screen that's out, plug it into iTunes and restore it. THEN sell it for parts.

Not even 20 years ago everybody on the planet lived without a cell phone. I'm sure you can do it for a couple days.
If it's just the screen that's out, plug it into iTunes and restore it. THEN sell it for parts.

Not even 20 years ago everybody on the planet lived without a cell phone. I'm sure you can do it for a couple days.

Wow, the iPhone ordeal has really gotten to me, I completely blanked about iTunes restore. Clearly, I am not thinking straight. And yes I understand it is completely possible to live without a cell, but its my only phone and the only way for friends/family to contact me. Time to weigh my options.
Wow, the iPhone ordeal has really gotten to me, I completely blanked about iTunes restore. Clearly, I am not thinking straight. And yes I understand it is completely possible to live without a cell, but its my only phone and the only way for friends/family to contact me. Time to weigh my options.

Can't you buy one of those dirt-cheap AT&T prepaid GoPhones and slide your iPhone sim in there for a couple of days? What are they? $20 at Walmart?
I say take it apart and start again, what's the worst that can happen? Sounds like somethings loose.
See thats the thing, the only thing I can think of as being loose is on the screen, which I already have apart enough. Its the most frusturating phone to service due to the screw size, I am telling the truth when I say they are just microscopic. Even on a philips #00 screwdriver, they don't sit on the end well. It was an awful idea, and I have unplugged the screen ribbon cables 10 times already with no avail. Its upsetting.
Restore and sell it for parts... :)
Thats what I am weighing right now. I can sell it on Minneapolis craigslist which is very active so I'm sure I can get some ok money.
Can't you buy one of those dirt-cheap AT&T prepaid GoPhones and slide your iPhone sim in there for a couple of days? What are they? $20 at Walmart?
I have heard yes, and I have heard no. I might buy a unlocked phone off Newegg temporarily.
OP, if I were you, I would just keep trying to see what the problem is.
I am trying very hard on that. The problem is that I don't know which cable is which so I can't determine which cable controls which aspect of the display. Augh. I called the people over at (where I originally ordered the back cover from) asking for their advice, and they said if it just a loose cable or something they will fix it for a flat $40 service fee, but parts are extra. I just don't want it to end up costing me an arm and a leg, especially when the new one is coming out so soon.

I just can't get over what I did, very dumb of me. I got the phone in January for $400 (early upgrade price) and I already screwed it up. And its all because the Griffin case I had for the phone caused quite a bit of damage to the back of the phone while it was in the case. Bummer really.
I don't mean to compare myself to god, but I am a close clone thats for sure. So I let my iPhone battery die, plugged it in, and boom, display works. But touch didn't, so I opened it up a hair, pushed the cables down a little more, and now touch works too. But now the ear speaker isn't working. Getting close though. Everything else seems find.
dude, just go to and check out the iphone teardown photos, compare them with your iPhone and fix what looks wrong. If that doesn't work I'm pretty sure ifixit can fix it for you fairly cheap.
Wait, if you see the Apple logo, then isnt the screen working?

edit- oh I see, it was working then plunked out. Id start from the beginning and try to fix it by doing the process again
dude, just go to and check out the iphone teardown photos, compare them with your iPhone and fix what looks wrong. If that doesn't work I'm pretty sure ifixit can fix it for you fairly cheap.

Thats the guide I have been using this entire time, there is no difference. Ribbon cable number blah can only fit into slot blah. Everything is plugged in, but there is one stubborn ribbon cable that may not be in far enough or something. The guides also don't say which ribbon cable does which function, which would be enormously helpful.

EDIT: Sounds to be like the stubborn cable is the culprit. It controls the proximity sensor and earpiece speaker. As luck would have it, the proximity sensor isn't working, and since the speaker and sensor share a common cable and both don't work, thats obviously what is malfunctioning. Now I can at least send it into repair knowing exactly what cable is messed up, and get an estimate for repair cost.
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