Just return it to the store - Apple will take it back.
I'd eBay it if you need the profit. Why do you regret not getting the 3G model?
Some people make easy things way too hard. Best Buy has a 14 (or is it 30?) day return period. Just return it and end your regrets.
I've been waiting for this thread to see if people regret getting the WiFi Only iPad. I am exercising extreme patience by waiting for the 3G to become available. The first day was the hardest (very, very hard) but yesterday was easier and today it's no sweat.
I just can't imagine not wanting to take the iPad everywhere and being limited by what it can do outside of Wifi range...especially when subscribing to the 3G service is optional and be turned off and on without penalties.
I canceled my 3G and got the wifi. I am getting a Palm Pre Plus with verizon that has 5gb mobile hotspot for no extra charge. That way my ipad, ipod touch, and laptop can all have 3G.
The iPad to me feels like connectivity needs to be constantly ubiquitous - meaning, it should just always be there.
I can identify with this. The iPad to me feels like connectivity needs to be constantly ubiquitous - meaning, it should just always be there.
I can fake that with my phone in wifi ap mode, but it's a not exactly the same thing.
I'm really considering the same decision - return or resell mine and grathe 3G as soon as they are available.
I can understand that, even explained twice ... but the OP came here and hasn't bothered to explain why. He's trolling imho. I simply cannot see paying $30 to AT&T for iPhone data and another $15-$30 to them for a second data plan. I don't pay Time Warner for cable connection per computer, why pay per device? It's not like I'd use data on both my iPad and iPhone at the same time, ideally.