They're hidden files that store system info. Leave them alone. Most likely, a replacement would auto-make itself, but you'd lose preferences. Still, it's better to just leave them alone.
one remembers the size and placement of the application window. one remembers the folder settings. the other remembers an application's personal volume settings (different from the system volume which affects all applications). they have the tendency to make DVD's incompatible with DVD players if left in the folder.
those are invisible folders created by os9. if you aren't using os9, you can delete them. you can delete them even if you are using os9, but if you open the folder in os9 again, they will regenerate themselves. they determine how the files are displayed in the window, but have nothing to do with the data itself, so removing them will not harm your files.
they are also generated by OS X. i do not use OS 9, yet they are on my system. removing the files however, will not harm anything. i do not believe you can delete the files by throwing them in the trash however, even with sufficient privileges.
they are also generated by OS X. i do not use OS 9, yet they are on my system. removing the files however, will not harm anything. i do not believe you can delete the files by throwing them in the trash however, even with sufficient privileges.
If you throw them away, the OS will have to rebuild them. That is a waste of time, unless you are having a problem that rebuilding the desktop willl repair. Absent a problem, you discard those files only if you don't intend to use the disk on a Mac again. Otherwise, leave them alone.