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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2016

As of today I purchased a mid-2013 Macbook Air (used, obviously) in hopes of upgrading my computer from my mid-2009 Macbook Pro. I made the purchase because my Macbook Pro has been slow since the start, but I have to give it excellent credit for its age. I purchased the Pro for a pretty cheap price (in my opinion) to replace my 2014 ASUS VivoBook and have not regretted it. My only regret that I could say that I have is that I wish I would have bought a Macbook Air instead of a Pro, and had it be a later release year so I have more updated processors.

My school hands out laptops for us to use, and they are early-2014 release Macbook Air 11". The laptops work splendidly and meet nearly every speed requirement I could ask for. With the impressive features, I wanted to see if I could get the same out of a 13" mid-2013 release!

I use Adobe Photoshop CC pretty heavily, and on my school laptop I had used Final Cut Pro as well as Minecraft. Now, on my Macbook Pro, Photoshop has been fairly quick (there are times where it does act up and will be VERY laggy, making the whole computer laggy) and Finder has presented the most problems. Finder is slow, laggy, and a pain to deal with. Other times it's not, but most of the time it is. But it's a 2009 Macbook running on OSX - El Captain. It works for its age.

What I'm asking, I suppose, is how much of a speed difference will there be? That's the main reason I am updating, as I'd like to resume using Final Cut Pro and speed up Adobe Photoshop! Any differences listed, speed-wise and app-wise, would be fantastic! Thanks in advance.


macrumors 68030
Jan 5, 2016
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I haven't used a 2009 MBP specifically so I can't make a detailed comparison, but I suspect moving from an old spinner hard drive to fast SSD storage will make the biggest difference, especially for the things you previously found laggy. The other big difference will be battery life (that is assuming the battery on the MBA you purchased is in good condition).


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2016
My MBP is always on its charger, in fact, just this week I noticed that the rubber around the wire near the magnet part had finally began to tear. I'm lucky if I get an hour and a half on my 2009 compared to my school laptop where it could practically go a whole day without being charged. Thanks for the information!


Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
I went from a 2008 15" MBP (core2duo 2.4 ghz) to a 2011 13" MBA. The speed increase was substantial - CPU was about twice as fast, but of course the SSD made it feel much faster than that. I now have a 2013 11" i7/8gb/512gb MBA and love it. It's perhaps 30% faster than my previous 2011 MBA. Definitely runs circles around the old 2008 MBP.

I use older versions of Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, Photoshop, Vectorworks, Strata 3d cx, Vue Infinite and other powerful software. The experience is noticeably better on the MBA than it ever was on my old MBP. The newest MBA is only marginally more powerful than the 2013 model. IMO, 2013 is the "sweet spot" for power/price in the MBA line.

If you really want to see the difference, try ripping a DVD in Handbrake. It was taking me about 75 minutes to rip a one hour TV show on my 2008 MBP. The same show rips in about 15 minutes on the 2013 MBA. This is due to the "turbo" mode that is available on the newer i-series CPU chips.

You didn't give the specs for your old MBP however, I'm assuming it's Core2Duo. If so, you will see a very noticeable improvement on the MBA.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2015
The 2013 and 2014 MBA are very similar so you should notice similar performance to your school's computers.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2016
Thank you both for the information.

My MBP is a 2.26 Intel Core2Duo, and has 4GB of RAM. I am very excited to get my "new" computer in the mail either tomorrow or Friday, and have confidence that all of you are correct. Big programs like Photoshop are my main concern; and going from a heavy Macbook Pro to a light Macbook Air will be nice, too! If it is a bit slower, I will look into older versions of these programs to see if I can improve speed on any level.

Again, thank you all for the answers.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2015
Thank you both for the information.

My MBP is a 2.26 Intel Core2Duo, and has 4GB of RAM. I am very excited to get my "new" computer in the mail either tomorrow or Friday, and have confidence that all of you are correct. Big programs like Photoshop are my main concern; and going from a heavy Macbook Pro to a light Macbook Air will be nice, too! If it is a bit slower, I will look into older versions of these programs to see if I can improve speed on any level.

Again, thank you all for the answers.
The Macbook Air hasn't seen significant changes since the 2013 model (or the rMBP for that matter). You're getting the great battery life, PCIe based SSD, AC WiFi, and USB 3.0 of the newer models without sacrificing much. I think the 2013 models are kind of a sweet spot for price to performance. Enjoy your new laptop!


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
I am upgrading from 2008 macbook core2duo to the next rMBP release (whenever that is!) . I wonder how much of speed difference there will be? Then I wonder, for someone like me who mainly just uses the browser does it really matter to have faster machine?

Tell us how it goes


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2016
Hello everyone!

I'm typing this on my new MBA and can say that the speed is flawless. I am currently downloading Adobe Photoshop, and already have apps like Spotify and such downloaded, which would be slow on my old MBP. And after coming back to this text, I have successfully downloaded Photoshop and it works flawlessly. I would always hate to restart PS on my old MBP because of the time it took to reboot, but on this MBA, it restarts within seconds. I am amazed at the speed and have to wonder why I've been living in the dark ages for so long!

MacBH928, I would definitely suggest upgrading. Even if it is just browsing, the speed is phenomenal.

Boyd01, I am amazed with the speed. It definitely does run circles around my old MBP!

Again, thank you everyone for the kindness and help. I am happy with my new MBA!
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Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
I would always hate to restart PS on my old MBP because of the time it took to reboot, but on this MBA, it restarts within seconds. I am amazed at the speed and have to wonder why I've been living in the dark ages for so long!

Haha, many of us have had this same experience, once you get a SSD you can never go back! :)

The speed of starting big applications is a huge plus. I would leave programs like Photoshop and VectorWorks running all the time on my old MBA because they were so slow to open. When I got the 2011 MBA, I would just quit if I didn't need them again immediately.

Glad you're enjoying the new machine!


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Hello everyone!

I'm typing this on my new MBA and can say that the speed is flawless. I am currently downloading Adobe Photoshop, and already have apps like Spotify and such downloaded, which would be slow on my old MBP. And after coming back to this text, I have successfully downloaded Photoshop and it works flawlessly. I would always hate to restart PS on my old MBP because of the time it took to reboot, but on this MBA, it restarts within seconds. I am amazed at the speed and have to wonder why I've been living in the dark ages for so long!

MacBH928, I would definitely suggest upgrading. Even if it is just browsing, the speed is phenomenal.

Boyd01, I am amazed with the speed. It definitely does run circles around my old MBP!

Again, thank you everyone for the kindness and help. I am happy with my new MBA!

how much did you pay for it? is it the MBA 2013 model?


Sep 17, 2001
Wellington, New Zealand
The 2013 & 2014 MBA i7 models are the same processor, so hopefully you have the i7 like I do.
What I have noticed is that although after it was made on 1st August 2013,
the battery maximum charge is around 6360 ~ 6400 mAh / 7150 after 89 cycles.
So you should still have about 8 ~ 9 hours battery life while browsing websites.

Of course, it works well with 8GB ram for maximum usability.
I would not recommend the SSD upgrades available from OWC based on current feedback.
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