@sracer, I know how you know... How much struggle? All of it 🤯
Lots of TLAs expend much budget to discover they mistook
content management for
knowledge management. Tracking items of structured data
(text in a schema that conforms to an explicit taxonomy) or unstructured data
(long form prose, multi-media) is easy in the right notes apps with meta tagging. And some content management tools can index materials to tag automatically.
Knowledge management typically refers to integration of People, Projects and Content, at scale, with an
inference engine to answers "Why?" questions and to surface unexpected relationships. In a way, KMS were "AI", before the term got popularized.
With next generation chipsets, local devices could very well become defacto "personal knowledge management appliances". And Enterprise KMS will seem telepathic. Keeping in mind that they all seem smart mostly because of MEMORY, which almost all humans suck at.
Can you imagine data leakage off your device to an AI data aggregator, or to malicious state AI actors (including our own "State")? What aspect of life
wouldn't a government control if implementation were possible and cost effective? What
wouldn't a "Unitary Executive" be afraid of - if they were a sociopathic, narcissistic, bigoted, illiterate, loser dirtbag? Hypothetically.
Humans are totally predictable animals, once our habits and predispositions are quantified. We all basically live in a zoo of our own making, and fight to stay. That's why advertising works, which is in turn why so much seemingly trivial personal data is vacuumed up to target it.
So nowadays, one's collection of notes - decidedly non-trivial personal data - could get puked up to an AI of unknown disposition... Well, if an AI got ahold of MY notes it would probably kill itself in despair, but y'all smart peoples might want to rediscover typewriters and carbon paper.