You guys finding that Parallels and VMware are the only options for running 32-bit apps in macOS as a guest while running Catalina?
You guys finding that Parallels and VMware are the only options for running 32-bit apps in macOS as a guest while running Catalina?
I'll probably go with VirtualBox which is free. It doesn't have all the frills and fluff
It's beginning to look that way as I'm not particularly fond of paying the ridiculous price for Parallels or VMWare. I'll probably go with VirtualBox which is free. It doesn't have all the frills and fluff but since I only need it to run maybe one or possibly two 32 bit programs, it will have to do.
Does VirtualBox support Mojave? I don't see it listed on the website.
The big thing we have to push Apple to do now since they're slitting our proverbial throats is to implement accelerated video options for virtualization. Using some of the more graphics intensive 32bit apps on Parallels is going to be HELL with Mojave or any other macOS release that facilitates 32bit app execution. Apple needs to get its head out from between its legs and realize that they need to AT LEAST give us graphical acceleration if they're going to go this far with us.
So far, I only miss QuickTime Pro 7....I can not find anything else, that can easily, and simply trim portions of video without conversion. Also, easily rotate a video left or right with out conversion.
I also miss it. First thing to go was blocked Safari integration.The only 32-bit app that I used regularly was iGetter. I haven't found a replacement for it that does all that it did for downloading multiple files at once with saved authentication to file sharing sites.