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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 6, 2011
Somewhere else
Curious if anyone here is converting existing photos to digital for themselves or customers. What scanner are you using? Obviously the flatbed is not efficient for large quantities of photos. I am interested in hardware opinions, not referrals for scanning services, thanks.

The Kodak PS50/80 looks interesting, but I've read it isn't well supported for Macs although there are Mac drivers listed.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

(FWIW, I'm using a Scansnap ix500 for document scanning and for low quality instamatic type photos, but not for anything that would be resized much bigger than the original 3.5x5 or so.)
I use my girlfriend.

She had a digital document scan company running for a few years, but closed it a last year due to lack of demand. She used two systems, a high end Pentax camera mounted in this crazy erector set contraption. She could 'scan' about one picture a second if she had enough coffee in her.

She also used a ScanSnap S1500 ( I think that was the name ), because it 'Never jammed' as she would smile and say.
I scanned a bunch of old snapshots with my ScanSnap 1500m. Good enough quality for the type of pix. For higher quality consider a service like Scan Cafe. Get on their mailing list and get occasional deals. Unless you're scanning a large amount it will be cheaper.
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