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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 7, 2009
Ventura, CA
What are some of your favorite games on the iPhone/iTouch? Either free or paid or 3rd party. My favorites are TouchGrind, TapTap, and Flight Control
1. Doom
3. Sonic
4. Spore
5. Real Racing
6. Sims 3
7. FF53D
8. iFighter
9. Crach Kart
What are some of your favorite games on the iPhone/iTouch? Either free or paid or 3rd party. My favorites are TouchGrind, TapTap, and Flight Control

Real Racing
Touch KO
F.A.S.T. Fleet Air Superiority Training
Hero of Sparta
Asphalt 4

Kids Vs. Zombies
Koala Dartz
Uniwar, Galcon, Drop7, and Triazzle are current favorites.

Other great games on my phone: The Secret Of Monkey Island, Wurdle, Stoneloops, Assassin's Creed, Super Monkey Ball, Real Racing, and Sentinal 2.

A lot of other great games I've enjoyed I'm not about to try and make a list of.
Favorite Games

Our favorite games so far:
1. Uno (a classic)
2. Zombie Attack
3. iFishing
4. Sonic the Hedgehog
5. Lexulous (if you are a word nerd) ;)

Have fun!
Real Racing
Tiger Woods
Secret of Monkey Island
Field Runners
Rolando 1 & 2
Zen Bound
Motion Poker X
Sudoku Unlimited
The Sims 3

also, my girlfriend loves BookWorm

It's funny that all of my favorites are pay games because I've tried some good free ones but I'm general the pay ones are just better. Also, the pay ones are still very cheap compared to DS/PSP games.
Wolf 3D
Streets of Rage

Really looking forward to Doom, Duke 3D and Rise of the Triads.

Probably going to by the just released Resident Evil 4 too
Stone Loops (my fav, gotta get this it's only .99)

Real Racing
Flight Control
Wolf 3D
Assassin's Creed
Asteroids 3D
Paper Toss
In the last couple of days I bought the following:

F.A.S.T. (This one is a really really awesome arcade flight sim. I would put it up there with Real Racing. Its that good)
Castle of Magic (Probably the best on screen controls I have tried. Who would have though the iPhone could do platforming?)
Hero of Sparta (doesn't control great but pretty fun)

I want to get Star Defense but $10 is too much...

I've been playing Secret of Monkey Island in small bursts and it is really really good too even though the controls aren't perfect. I forgot most of the puzzles and they are pretty tough..
Want a replication of the old Mac's Risk II for an Apple tablet :cool:

Fave at the moment is Bejewled 2 but I'm going to look through this thread and find some more...

(adjusts budget... subtracts Chinese food, settles for tossed salad)
Space Invaders Infinity Gene

Was just released 2 days ago. Haven't seen anyone talk about this. Check out review and video

Definitely worth the 5$.

I just read your post after starting a thread (and checking first there were no others about it) on this game.
It is the finest attraction yet for the iPhone.

I'd about by the iPhone just for the game.
Time shoots by and I about missed my train stop on the way home due to this app.
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