Ok, everything else to one side. And let's all be totally honest here.
Basically a tablet is NOT a good design to input data with.
It does not take a rocket scientist to work out that the best design anyone could ever come up with would be for the visual area to be the same as the input area.
Hands are more naturally placed on a flat/slightly angled surface as your hands/arms are coming out away from your body with your palms facing downwards.
As when you sit as a desk, you would have the input device on the top of the desk.
The screen should be angled up, at a right angle to your eyes.
No-one would mount their keyboard upright in line with their monitor, and no-one would lay their screen down flat on the desk facing upwards.
We all know this as it's obvious.
Given a separate keyboard and mouse you would never mount them on the same plane.
A desktop and a laptop both allow the user to fix both items at the natural and most comfortable position for use.
That's why we all have things set out that way. From an old Vic 20, Apple II, across all laptops right up to iMac 27" and Mac Pro's.
The Tablet is a poor design, but it's a compromise and something we have to live with if we want a tablet format.
Any change to the Tablet design and you are edging back towards a laptop again.
It could be argued a Laptop is in most ways a far better design than a Tablet, but the Laptop is old and the Tablet is a new toy and has a lot of excitement which is forgiving basic issues such as this.
If we had been using Tablets for years and Apple had just bought out the worlds 1st laptop, everyone would be going GAGA about how incredible it was that you could set the REAL input area and the screen at the perfect angles for both your hands and your eyes.