1. Tell me wife about the date.
2. Hear my wife sigh loudly, since she now knows she has to get both of the kids in bed that day.
3. On the announced date, eat dinner with family and try to finish before 7pm, as that is usually when the show starts in my country.
Edit: 3.5. Remind my wife what is going to happen. Repeat point 2.
4. Place my beautiful behind on the couch, with laptop or iPad available close by.
5. Hum to the tune running pre-show on Apple TV+.
6. Reminiscence over how things were much better when Jobs was alive.
7. Conclude that's not really true (Except for iTunes 10, THAT was better than what we have now!)
8. Settle in, watch 2 hours of show while browsing Mac websites to see the tidbits I missed.
9. Spend an hour post-show to continue scouring websites, and reading about people whining that iPhone n+1 doesn't create sparkly coffee from a secret compartment.
10. Listen to my wife say "Isn't it over soon?" and me responding with a "Soon babe, soon...."
11. Usually conclude that it was a fine show.
12. Go to bed.
13. Next day, see whatever new things came up over the night.
14. Rinse and repeat point 1 about 6 months later, or whenever there's a random extra keynote scheduled.