My wife wants to import something she has recorded on a mini-disc player to Garage Band on our Macbook pro. Is it just a matter of getting an optical cable and hooking them both up or has Sony put other obstacles in the way?
What kind of Mini-Disc player is it? I could look it up if knew a little more. Otherwise though I think they connect using a USB cable. Or just use the optical cable as you said. It isn't too tough.
I believe you could run a mini-jack to mini-jack lead from the headphone output of the mini-disc player into the mic input on the macbook. Niot sure what the quality would be like though.
Just use an 3,5mm jack-jack connector and plug the headphone out of the minidisk into the input of the MBP.
USB is never going to work because of Sony's hidious copy protection and their refusal to ever write Mac software