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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 11, 2008
Under a Rug
i was just given a iMac G4 700 MHz with 768MB SDRAM and what are my options?

i have taken a Power Mac G4 400 MHz Tower and put in a ton of stuff like a 1.6GHz processor, 2GB Ram, SATA HDD, 256MB Video card, USB 2 card etc.... and it was fun but too much money and not going to spend that on this.


it looks cool but is Leopard an option? i havent researched yet but can i trick 10.5 to install on it? is it worth trying?

i would like to use it for my 1 year old daughter to get familiar but i am beyond tiger really and would like Leopard on it.

i usually do not post newbie type stuff like this but this is the place where people have ideas and i am not familiar with this machine so what would you do with it? it is like new with the crazy glass ball speakers and all.

thanks for any suggestions.
I found the same machine in the steet. Such a waste to throw out.

I installed Leopard on it and it runs well. You can hack it to install using open firmware or download leopard assist and it will do all the hacking for you.

Beautiful machine, not really of much use in my place, but to good to throw out.

bump up ram as well.
I found the same machine in the steet. Such a waste to throw out.

I installed Leopard on it and it runs well. You can hack it to install using open firmware or download leopard assist and it will do all the hacking for you.

Beautiful machine, not really of much use in my place, but to good to throw out.

bump up ram as well.

good to know it will run Leopard from someone other than a YouTube video.

thanks for the info.
I got Leopard on a 800Mhz G4 iMac. The minimum requirements where 866Hmz for Leopard I think. It definitely isn't perfect though. I'm sure some of the drivers weren't right since I pulled Leopard from a G5 iMac, and so the G4 doesn't wake up from sleep. It crashes every time, so it just doesn't sleep anymore.
As far as bumping up the RAM, I'm pretty sure it can only take 1GB, and to replace the second 256MB module you have to do some thermal paste shenanigans which I didn't think was worth the time and hassle.
And what to do with it? My parents use it as their email/web machine. It's not going to do a whole lot very fast, but I made my first few shorts on that machine with iMovie.
do with it what i do with my iMac g3 700mhz which has basically the same speed on the g4 only apps that can make full use of the altivec engine in the g4 will run a bit better , i use it as a bedroom computer for watching dvd's, some surfing,emailing and itunes and best use of all OS9 games ....some read books in bed , i like to play some old os9 games instead :D
thanks everyone. iMac G4 700Mhz running Leopard very well. in fact much better than i thought it would. going to serve my needs for it perfectly.

appreciate the advise

I run leopard on a G4 Cube which is only 450 mhz and it's not half bad. Memory is only about 700 mb but i'm running a Radeon 7000 which helps over the stock video.

I used a drive cloner (i forget which one) to clone off a friend's Powerbook G4 via FW target and i've really had no problems at all.

For email and light web surfing (no flash certainly) it runs pretty well. I can even play youtube fullscreen thanks to clicktoflash.

If anyone has a G4 imac they don't want, give it to me! :)
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