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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 27, 2013
With the performance of idevices being better than ever (if the iPad 5 gets the same jump as the iPhone 5S did from the iPhone 5; it will pass the 200Gflops in terms of graphics performance and as it will most likely use the G6630 GPU; it could perform upto 1Tflop!). And don't forget game controller support!

So what console games would you like to see ported over to iOS. Post the game(s) and why bellow.

I would like GTA San Andreas ( I expect this 2014 for the HD 10 year anniversary), Half Life, Dead Island, Battlefeild 3, MGS 3:Snake Eater, a full NFS game, Mass Effect 2 and Dead Space 2/3.

Also; I would like Apple to increase the limit to the size of apps as right now they are limited to 2Gb (but when on your device, they can take up to around 3.2Gb). When Apple finally drops availability for 16Gb idevices, I think they will do this and have a limit of 5Gb (7.X after install).

So what would you will to see?
Advance Wars. There's also a PSP title I loved, Jeanne D'Arc, another turn-based game that is a little more RPG-like.

Turn-based strategy is my favorite genre and sadly not many developers create them.
Advance Wars. There's also a PSP title I loved, Jeanne D'Arc, another turn-based game that is a little more RPG-like.

Turn-based strategy is my favorite genre and sadly not many developers create them.

Sounds cool :) I have added it up; and it is possible for the iPad 5 to overtake current consoles(PS3 and Xbox 360) in terms of graphical performance. That tied with controller support is making to look like 2014 is going to be a great year for Apple.
Metal Gear Solid (could possibly work with touch controls)

Abe's Odyssey

Final Fantasy 7 and 8 (would be great with touch controls because it's turn-based battling)

I want some longer games with storylines. Less arcade-style games.
Metal Gear Solid (could possibly work with touch controls)

Abe's Odyssey

Final Fantasy 7 and 8 (would be great with touch controls because it's turn-based battling)

I want some longer games with storylines. Less arcade-style games.

Remember that the touch controls only have to be in there, then they would add controller support. Oddworld: Strangers Wrath is coming at the end of the year to iOS from the same people that ported GTA 3 and Vice City.


Metal Gear Solid (could possibly work with touch controls)

Abe's Odyssey

Final Fantasy 7 and 8 (would be great with touch controls because it's turn-based battling)

I want some longer games with storylines. Less arcade-style games.

I also would like the next Deus Ex instalment to 1.use controller support and 2. Support only A7(X) and A6(X). So the game will look the best it can on A7 and good on A6.
Oh, and one more: Pokémon.

It might not be graphically intensive, but I would love a full, official iOS game. Nintendo would never do it though, because it would remove all the reason to buy Nintendo hardware.
Oh, and one more: Pokémon.

It might not be graphically intensive, but I would love a full, official iOS game. Nintendo would never do it though, because it would remove all the reason to buy Nintendo hardware.

Well there isn't much reason to by a Nintendo console any more anyway. Nintendo are on their way out and the only thing they can do Is put all their games on the App Store...
1) The rest of the Final Fantasy series
2) The Kingdom Hearts series

I'm not into the high-end console stuff, and those above should be (space issues aside) relatively easy ports to iOS.
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