If no one here minds, I will try to explain this so that you may understand....
With a PC type METAL card like the RX580 it works something like this....
1) You press the power button and wait for the Chime...
2) macOS starts to load, but you see nothing but a black screen. The OS is loading but there is no video output just yet. That generally takes 30 - 90 seconds depending on other hardware in your system.
3) As the OS is loading, it reaches a point where it starts loading the video card (GPU) drivers, then suddenly a signal is sent to the screen, and you see the Apple LOGO and a loading Progress Bar
4) Once loading is finished, you see the login screen, or the full desktop (depending on how you have previously configured the login settings).
5) You navigate into the Settings Menus, and select the Icon for “Startup Disk”.
6) Startup Disk will show you all the boot drives in your system (see
@tsialex post# 10) and you can change drives from there. You will select the drive you want to boot next, and when you restart/reboot, it will boot the drive you have selected and/or changed to.
I hope this helps...